New York Post

Jamie Dimon’s Wise Warning


Call it a “road to Davos” moment: Jamie Dimon has seen the light. The J.P. Morgan Chase CEO had liberals clutching at their pearls when he copped to a simple but (in some circles) unutterabl­e truth: Donald Trump was right about a lot.

“Just take a step back and be honest,” urged Dimon in a CNBC interview at the World Economic Forum confab: “He was kind of right about NATO, kind of right on immigratio­n. He grew the economy quite well. Trade tax reform worked. He was right about some of China.”

Pushing more bleeding hearts into a-fib, he warned liberals against demonizing Trump supporters. “Democrats have done a good job with the deplorable­s, hugging their Bibles and their beer and their guns. I mean, really? . . . I think this negative talk about MAGA is going to hurt Biden’s election campaign.”

Bingo. Seventy-four million people voted for Trump in 2020, and the polls sure suggest that the border crisis, the economy and Biden’s feeble leadership are pushing many more to view Trump as a better choice. Dems keep up the contempt at their own peril.

Dimon has toed the lefty line himself: In 2020, he infamously took a knee after offering words of support for the Black Lives Matter protests; his bank then committed $30 billion to “advance racial equity.”

But Dimon seems to have gotten wise faster than many of his peers. He’s saying something his fellow Democratic elites need to hear: Voters had and still have real reasons for choosing Trump; dismissing them as nothing but backwater bigots is itself hateful and ignorant — and a quick road to defeat.

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