New York Post

A Sick Ruling

UN court’s dangerous view of ‘genocide’


THE interim ruling of the UN Internatio­nal Court of Justice on Friday, coming a day before Internatio­nal Holocaust Remembranc­e Day, shames the memory of those who fought against genocide and of the 6 million Jews on whose ashes the Genocide Convention was built.

The ruling entertains the notion that Israel is committing genocide in Gaza. That assertion is not only absurd, but malicious — and purposely so.

The Convention defines genocide as “acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial or religious group.”

Any moral person knows this is not what is happening in Gaza.

Lest we forget: Israel didn’t ask for this war, nor did Israel start it. Hamas did, when thousands of its terrorists crossed into Israel and slaughtere­d, raped, tortured and kidnapped anyone they could get their hands on, regardless of age or sex.

Ironically, there is a genocidal party to this conflict. But it’s not Israel. It’s Hamas.

Hamas’ 1988 founding covenant, approvingl­y quotes the hadith: “The Day of Judgement will not come about until Moslems fight the Jews (killing the Jews), when the Jew will hide behind stones and trees. The stones and trees will say O Moslems, O Abdulla, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him.”

Hamas is clear in its intentions to destroy Israel. It has no interest in a two-state solution, even if it means the creation of a fully recognized Palestinia­n state.

What Hamas wants is the destructio­n of Israel, the annihilati­on of its people and the murder of Jews worldwide.

What restrains Hamas from doing so is not a lack of desire, but a lack of capability.

Oct. 7 was a taste of what the group would do, day after day, if it could.

Israel, on the other hand, is waging a defensive war for its very existence. No Israeli government would tolerate Hamas on Israel’s borders after Oct. 7, the deadliest day in Jewish history

since the Holocaust.

Israel has no designs on Gaza. It left the territory in 2005 for the Palestinia­ns to govern themselves. Hamas took over the Strip and converted it into a massive military base, using civilians as human shields and stealing humanitari­an aid to build vast terror tunnel networks.

And then it launched this war. Just as in any war, it’s impossible for Israel to fight Hamas without civilians dying. But that is not genocide.

It is, however, a war crime — on Hamas’ part.

Israel warns civilians before attacking, tells them exactly where to go, advises safe routes and often provides protection (from Hamas!) to get there,

If Israel wanted to commit genocide in Gaza, it would indiscrimi­nately bomb the Strip into oblivion. No warnings would be issued. Israel would not send its troops into harm’s way.

The civilian-to-terrorist death toll wouldn’t be an estimated 2-1. It would be astronomic­ally higher.

Proponents of the “genocide” accusation stack lie on top of lie, because their entire case is a monstrous blood libel.

It is why they deliberate­ly take Israeli leaders’ words out of context to demonize them for things never said.

These same people also argue that Israel has been committing genocide against the Palestinia­ns since 1967, if not earlier, yet the Palestinia­n population has increased five times since then.

That is not how genocide works.

The ICJ’s ruling strips the Jewish people in their ancestral homeland, many of whom are descendant­s of Holocaust victims and survivors, from exercising their right to prevent another genocide against them.

Indeed, it sets a precedent that will deny the right of defense of all democracie­s fighting terrorists who embed themselves among civilian population­s.

It’s effectivel­y a green light for terrorist organizati­ons around the world.

We have seen that words have one meaning for the world, and an entirely different meaning for Israel; “genocide” is one of them.

These lies about Israel are manifestin­g in Oct. 7 denial, which we are seeing metastasiz­e in real time, similar to Holocaust denial over the past eight decades.

People deny Hamas’ atrocities. They deny that Israeli women were raped.

Some say that Israel committed the atrocities as a “pretext” for “genocide.”

The lies about Israel, exacerbate­d by the ICJ, and the advent of a new form of denial of antisemiti­c barbaritie­s, are a threat to Jews everywhere.

They highlight exactly why Saturday’s Internatio­nal Holocaust Remembranc­e Day is so important.

Sacha Roytman is CEO of the Combat Antisemiti­sm Movement.

 ?? Israel ?? Shameful: The IJC decision to consider genocide charges against came just a day before Internatio­nal Holocaust Remembranc­e Day.
Israel Shameful: The IJC decision to consider genocide charges against came just a day before Internatio­nal Holocaust Remembranc­e Day.

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