New York Post

Trump’s Gathering Tide: Triumph in New Hampshire


There were no surprises from the New Hampshire primary on Tuesday (“Trump train is rolling on,” Jan. 24).

Former President Donald Trump had a solid victory over Nikki Haley. It’s time for her to put her campaign to rest, as she’s not even predicted to win her home state, South Carolina. She came in third in Iowa, where Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis quickly folded, sensing the presidency wasn’t in the cards this time around.

Indictment­s of Trump have only helped to solidify support in his base. Even many who are not Trump fans take issue with the fact that he is being politicall­y targeted by the current administra­tion.

Putting Trump back in the White House, however distastefu­l, is the only way to straighten the ship’s course and undo the damage done by bumbling Joe. Betsy Flor

Putnam Valley

It has become increasing­ly clear that whether or not you like Trump, he will be the Republican nominee.

Haley asked for a twoperson race and she got that in New Hampshire. She doesn’t have support in her home state of South Carolina, so why continue?

There is no path forward, unless she’s intending to launch a thirdparty run. At this point, her campaign is just wasting money.

Mindy Rader, New City

On Tuesday, Trump did his candidacy a great disservice when he failed to control his ego and, instead of commending Haley for giving him a better battle than expected, he found it necessary to belittle her.

The man has a reputation

for bullying and nastiness. It will take the applicatio­n of an industrial­strength clothespin to my nose to allow me to vote for Trump come Election Day.

I’m afraid I would have to vote for the Republican nominee, whoever that may be, to prevent clueless Joe from destroying America. Still, Trump lost any remaining respect I had for him after his unsportsma­nlike performanc­e. Rick Meyer

Pinehurst, NC

The current president’s policies have led America in the wrong direction.

We need a strong president like Trump to fix this country. Even with all the legal problems Trump comes with, he’s our best bet.

Frederick R. Bedell Jr.


Haley’s concession speech was optimistic, despite Trump prevailing by double digits, as was widely predicted (“Nikki: It’s far from over,” Jan. 24).

Haley boldly proclaimed that she was going to stay in the race. Polling shows her losing in her home state of South Carolina, where the GOP primary will be held Feb. 24. What can

she do in the interim to improve her standing? Very little, I would say.

The people have spoken. It is clear that they want the “disrupter” to be the GOP’s nominee for president.

After the events of Jan. 6, 2021, there briefly was the sentiment in Congress that Trump was finished. Yet he has survived — and thrived — thanks to the unwavering support of the Republican base.

Those who founded the United States would hardly recognize it today.

Oren Spiegler Peters Township, Pa.

I hope that Haley isn’t intimidate­d by Trump’s threats. We live in a democracy, and everyone deserves the right to run for office, no matter what her chances are of winning.

Contested elections provide voters with a choice, and the opportunit­y to discuss and debate issues. We don’t live in Russia or China, where opponents of government officials are jailed for disagreein­g with them.

How will Trump treat his critics and opponents if he is elected president in November? How will he “get even?” I’m scared to find out. Paul Feiner


With an eye toward the South Carolina primary next month, one way Haley could distinguis­h herself from Trump would be to name several people she would select to serve in her administra­tion.

Haley’s people likely would be distinctly different from Trump’s picks. So let’s find out. Denny Freidenric­h Laguna Beach, Calif.

 ?? ?? Donald Trump
Donald Trump

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