New York Post

Trump’s Style on Trial: Getting in His Own Way?


I could not agree with The Post’s editorial more (“Trump’s Choice,” Editorial, Jan. 25).

If former President Donald Trump spoke more presidenti­ally and stuck to the key issues, he would have the support of my wife, aunts and many other suburban females, and he would he win the election. Jan. 6 is over and in the past.

Albert DeFilippo East Haven, Conn.

The recent editorial suggests that Trump needs to tone down his rhetoric.

However, Trump’s political opposition has manufactur­ed false accusation­s of Russian collusion and indicted him on trumped-up charges — all in Democratic jurisdicti­ons by ultra-liberal prosecutor­s.

They have also brought his family in front of congressio­nal committees and threatened to jail them if they don’t comply. His home was even raided by the FBI, among many other things.

We’ve had candidates like Sen. Mitt Romney and former Sen. John McCain who turned the other cheek while being ravaged by the opposing party — a strategy that didn’t seem to work.

Trump does not need to tone down his rhetoric as he is just fighting back. Michael Walker

Staten Island

The Post is saying the same nonsense about Trump and how he should behave to get elected, bad-mouthing the guy who was and will again be the best modern-day president this country has ever seen.

With the current circumstan­ces, I don’t see how anyone would vote for a Democrat.

Put your feelings aside and do the right thing for a man that has been a gift to our country. Don’t let him slip away.

Gary Vogler Pennington, NJ

Although I agree with most of The Post’s editorial, I found one section to be misleading.

The statement that Trump only beat Nikki Haley by 11 points is misleading, as a plurality of the votes for her came from independen­ts. Of the percentage of Republican voters, Trump won by a landslide.

Trump is constantly telling people of his good record during his four years as president. With that in mind, I think he is on the right track to win another four years.

Richard Ketay Newark,NJ

 ?? ?? Donald Trump
Donald Trump

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