New York Post

Joe’s Constituti­onal Crisis


Team Biden’s border chaos is becoming a dangerous constituti­onal crisis, pitting Texas against the president. Make no mistake: Lone Star State Gov. Greg Abbott holds all the moral high cards here — and some legal ones, too.

With President Biden refusing to enforce immigratio­n law and millions flooding in illegally, Texas has been utterly swamped. So Abbott has installed razor wire on the border and taken control of riverfront Shelby Park to deter migrants — as Biden should be doing.

Last Monday, the Supreme Court ruled the feds can cut that wire while their lawsuit against Texas and the wire plays out. What a horrific spectacle: Texas is looking to secure the border (which Biden finally admits isn’t secure), yet the feds are aiming to block him.

It’s madness. Will the two sides play razorwire whack-a-mole? Will it come to blows?

“The federal government has broken the compact between the United States and the States,” the Texan said Wednesday. The executive branch has a “constituti­onal duty to enforce” federal laws that protect states, he argues, but is instead violating those laws.

The Constituti­on gives states the right to defend themselves, so Abbott has declared an “invasion” and invoked “Texas’ constituti­onal authority” to exercise that right, which “supersedes any federal statutes to the contrary.”

That is: Abbott claims the Constituti­on grants him authority to ignore the feds to keep border-jumpers out. His legal argument is strong, but his moral argument — about protecting the state (and the country) — is unassailab­le.

Only perverse open-border radicals still deny the border is a nightmare, with a newrecord-high 300,000-plus migrants crossing in December, and needs to be secured.

Of course, none of all this Sturm und Drang would be necessary if the Bidenites just followed the law; the House just unveiled articles of impeachmen­t against Homeland Security chief Alejandro Mayorkas over the issue.

Abbott’s not backing down, so it’s becoming a question of whether a president who won’t act against Iran even as its proxies are killing American soldiers will instead crack down on a governor who’s simply trying to enforce the laws that the prez won’t.

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