New York Post

Defund the UN


It’s time — beyond time — to rethink US funding for the United Nations. After all, America has laws against financing terrorist groups, and the United Nations does just that: It employs actual Hamas terrorists and promoters of terror.

Its secretary-general supports Hamas, demanding an end to attacks on the terror group, whose Oct. 7 atrocities he tried to justify.

Its “court of justice” claims Israel isa possible perpetrato­r of genocide.

It’s aided and abetted mass murderers, demonized an innocent democracy (Israel) and perpetuate­d Mideast venom.

And, no, it’s not just the 13 UN Relief and Works “staffers” who took part in the Oct. 7 massacre, including at least nine actual Hamas terrorists. As UN Watch’s Hillel Neuer notes, UNRWA’s ostensible mission — to provide social services for “refugees” of the Arabs’ 1948 war against Israel — is a “front.”

Actual refugees are handled by the UN High Commission­er for Refugees. UNRWA’s main purpose is to perpetuate the notion that the descendant­s of Palestinia­ns who left Israel 75 years ago are themselves refugees today, and that through violence and “martyrdom,” they’ll one day return and make the land Jew-free.

Its staff teach children to strive for this and never give up. They spread lies about Israel, redirect internatio­nal aid and resources to Hamas and welcome terrorists to use their schools and homes as bases, including storing weapons and holding hostages.

The United Nations can plead ignorance; Secretary-General António Guterres claims he was “horrified” — “horrified” — to learn about the 13 UNRWA workers. In fact, over a thousand of these UN employees have documented terror ties.

And though Guterres backs an inquiry into UNRWA’s Dirty Baker’s Dozen, he’s calling on nations to keep funding the proterror group to serve “the dire needs of the desperate population­s.”

Sorry: No way UNRWA can be trusted with that work, nor any organizati­on associated with the anti-Israel, antisemiti­c, terrorsupp­orting United Nations, which has essentiall­y sided with the terrorists.

But President Biden routinely bows to UNthink: White House National Security spokesman John Kirby on Monday echoed Guterres on UNRWA: “Let’s not impugn the good work of a whole agency because of the potential bad actions here by a small number.”

Sorry: Again, it’s not just 13 — it’s the whole agency. And the UN itself.

Just last November, after the Oct. 7 massacred (that Iran was behind), the UN Human Rights Council named, yep, Iran, as chairman of its Social Forum.

This body is not a force for good in the world. Not by a long shot. Without wholesale reform, and Gutteres gone, it doesn’t deserve another nickel of US taxpayer money.

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