New York Post

Beef BS: Tish James’ Latest Lefty Lawsuit


NEW York state Attorney General Letitia James has a beef with beef. James last week sued JBS USA Food Co., the US subsidiary of the world’s largest beef producer, accusing it of “fraudulent and illegal business activities” and demanding “disgorgeme­nt of all profits and ill-gotten gains.” Disregard the inflammato­ry language. James’ lawsuit is frivolous — a mere publicity stunt.

She is using the state’s legal apparatus to punish individual­s and industries unpopular with the left — sacrificin­g the rule of law in the process.

If she can make the Empire State into a living hell for beef producers, she can do it to any other industry. Her politicall­y motivated legal attacks will scare companies out of New York. Your business or job could be next.

Already, James has used the powJames’ ers of her office to go after President Donald Trump and the National Rifle Associatio­n. Now she’s targeting a beef producer. What’s next? Furriers, car dealership­s, Big Pharma, pro-life groups, friends of Israel, companies that donate to Republican­s?

Most of James’ 38-page legal complaint is a rant against beef, not JBS specifical­ly. “Beef has the highest total greenhouse gas emissions of any major food commodity, and beef production is linked to large-scale deforestat­ion, especially in the Amazon rainforest.”

New York is a long way from the Brazilian rainforest­s or even JBS’s US operations in Colorado. So how does she justify a New York lawsuit? She accuses JBS of fraud for telling New York consumers the company aspires to achieve “Net Zero by 2040.”

The fraud charge is ridiculous. Labeling chuck steak “filet mignon” would be fraud, because it would misreprese­nt the product being sold. But saying you aspire to net-zero carbon emissions 20 years from now is not fraud.

Half the world’s 2,000 largest publicly listed corporatio­ns state they aspire to net zero by 2040, but very few have concrete plans on how to get there, according to Net Zero Tracker. The technology hasn’t been developed to do it affordably. Aspiring is not a legal commitment.

The complaint makes clear James’ goal isn’t to get JBS to refine its advertisin­g. She wants to put beef producers out of business.

Citing a United Nations report, James argues that emissions “cannot be eliminated through existing or anticipate­d technologi­es. Instead, scientists point to the need to reduce production of and demand for ruminant meat, including beef.”

“JBS Group plans to do the opposite,” the AG complains. “JBS Group forecasts increased demand for its products over the coming decades, and it intends to meet that demand.”

So what is JBS’s crime? Growing instead of caving to the left and closing down.

Lawsuit is a red-flag warning to businesses not to expect impartial justice. She’s targeting the politicall­y disfavored for extinction. It will mean publicity for her but millions of dollars in defense costs for her victims.

Where is the New York State Bar Associatio­n, which is pledged to uphold the integrity of our legal system and discipline lawyers who bring frivolous lawsuits? Rule 3.1 of its Rules of Profession­al Conduct defines a frivolous lawsuit as one having “no reasonable purpose other than to harass or maliciousl­y injure.” That’s the JBS lawsuit to a T. Shame on the NYSBA for lacking the spine to denounce it.

Since 2019, hundreds of businesses,

The New York attorney general wants to business.’ put beef producers out of

including major financial institutio­ns, have fled New York because of high taxes, regulation­s and crime. James’ legal vendettas will turn the business exodus into a stampede.

Meanwhile, the city is suffering a surge in pedestrian assaults, subway attacks and retail theft. Instead of suing JBS, James should be calling for the repeal of the state’s insane bail “reform” and the removal of pro-criminal district attorneys like Alvin Bragg.

Can James be removed from office? Technicall­y, yes — by a twothirds vote of the state Senate, on the governor’s recommenda­tion. But with New York’s one-party rule, that won’t happen.

It’s up to the legal community to stand up to James and demand the impartial, apolitical administra­tion of justice. Without it, New York’s economy cannot survive.

New York has produced legal greats like Benjamin Cardozo and Thurgood Marshall. Don’t let James trash the rule of law here and turn the Empire State into a banana republic.

Betsy McCaughey is a former lieutenant governor of New York.

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