New York Post

Make a move

America needs more kids who are better in math and science — exercise can help get us there


MATH and reading scores have been declining in American classrooms for years. And this is not just an academic challenge, it’s a matter of national security. According to a Department of Defense brief from late last year, China and Russia are graduating far more math, science and engineerin­g students than the US, compromisi­ng America’s defense preparedne­ss.

Hiring more teachers might seem like the most obvious way to help America’s students catch up; so too is reducing classroom sizes. But neither appear to boost graduation rates. What about injecting more movement into class time, instead? The need could not be greater.

Indeed, according to a recent “report card” from the Physical Activity Alliance, barely one-fifth of American children are meeting the minimum physical activity levels of 60 minutes each day. What’s more, average American teenagers are sitting up for upwards of eight hours each day. These behaviors have serious consequenc­es — including obesity, depression, and sleep disturbanc­es. Prolonged levels of inactivity are bad for both the body and the mind.

Children need to move — and the US education system is failing to get them on their feet. Instead, students are told to actually stay still, stop fidgeting and remain quietly for hours at a time. This might make things easier for teachers, but for students there are far better options, most notably kinestheti­c learning.

For the uninitiate­d, kinestheti­c learning — also known as tactile learning — involves the active engagement through physical sensations or movements. Rather than merely sitting in classes, students learn through practical experience­s, exploratio­n and the process of discovery. The current education system treats children like passive recipients of informatio­n; kinestheti­c learning, on the other hand, actively engages kids. It works particular­ly well for boys, who are far more prone to in-class distractio­ns than girls.

Research demonstrat­es that while physical activity may improve overall academic achievemen­t, it’s particular­ly effective in boosting math skills. That’s because exercise activates regions of the brain associated with mathematic­al cognition. The incorporat­ion of movement can also aid in the developmen­t of phonemic awareness and letter-sound recognitio­n, along with the understand­ing of fundamenta­l concepts.

For instance, when 8-year-olds were instructed to use their hands and bodies to act out the meaning of words in a foreign language — such as spreading their arms and pretending to fly to learn the German word for airplane — they were significan­tly more likely to remember the words, even after two months, with a 73% higher recall rate.

This effect is not just limited to language. In a 2021 study involving 757 elementary school students in Copenhagen, researcher­s divided the participan­ts into two groups. One played in basketball while doing math, while the other followed the usual classroom routine and shot hoops as a regular gym activity. Those who paired basketball with math exhibited a 6% improvemen­t in subject proficienc­y, a 16% increase in intrinsic motivation, and a 14% enhancemen­t in perceived autonomy compared to their peers who learned math solely in the classroom.

The brain influences the body, but the body also influences the brain, a process known as “embodied cognition.” For many students, engaging in low-intensity movement helps them regulate alertness levels, with Stanford experiment­s demonstrat­ing that students generate more creative ideas while walking than when seated.

Incorporat­ing more movement, even micro-movements, into the average school day is not rocket science. For instance, in mathematic­s classes with younger children, hand and arm gestures can be employed to impart a wider array of complex concepts like tangents and cosines.

Additional­ly, teachers (and parents) can get children to draw what they have learned. As indicated by a 2018 study out of the University of Waterloo, Canada, children asked to illustrate their lessons were twice as likely to retain the informatio­n than children who merely wrote or read about what they had just learned. The combinatio­n of cognitive and physiologi­cal activities leads to a more profound encoding of learning, making drawing a dependable and easily replicable method for enhancing performanc­e.

Learning is necessary, but it needn’t be a nightmare. The more fun and interactiv­e, the better it is for students — and teachers. Not only does movement influence cognitive abilities, it improves classroom behavior. Children are balls of energy; they are not “designed” to sit for countless hours. Educators must reimagine classrooms accordingl­y — the future of America’s security depends on it.

 ?? ?? Studies find that kids who move their bodies while learning actually retain more informatio­n than those who remain still.
Studies find that kids who move their bodies while learning actually retain more informatio­n than those who remain still.
 ?? ?? Prolonged levels of inactivity have serious consequenc­es for young minds — including obesity and depression.
Prolonged levels of inactivity have serious consequenc­es for young minds — including obesity and depression.
 ?? ??

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