New York Post

Biden’s UN Betrayal


Desperate to satisfy the hard left, the Biden administra­tion just took a giant step toward abandoning Israel by declining to veto a UN Security Council resolution calling for a cease-fire in Gaza. The measure demands an immediate ceasefire through the end of Ramadan on April 9, while also calling on Hamas to release the 100 or so Israelis it still holds hostage.

Hamas will refuse, yet the resolution still adds pressure for Israel to end its necessary ar against Hamas just as it’s getting close to destroying the terror cadre’s last battalions.

Team Biden itself has warned that such resolution­s complicate actual talks about a cease-fire/hostage release, because they give Hamas fresh hope that Israel’s “friends” will force it to stop fighting anyway.

The focus on Ramadan is a transparen­t dodge: Israel’s neighbors have waged war on Ramadan: Egypt and Syria against Israel in 1973, Iran against Iraq in 1981.

Washington should’ve vetoed this obscenity. But our president can’t even resist relying on the terrorists’ propaganda to call out Israel’s tactics as supposedly “over the top.”

Yes, the Biden team blocked earlier, as-vile UN resolution­s, but it’s plainly starting to cave rather than call out the Democratic Party’s ever-wider pro-Hamas caucus.

Witness Team Biden’s own cease-fire resolution last Friday, kiboshed by Russia and China. Or the absurd “red lines” it’s drawing around the coming assault on Rafah.

Per UN Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield, Washington abstained because it didn’t agree with everything in the text, such as the failure to condemn Hamas’ Oct. 7 atrocities. That wasn’t enough for a “nay”?

Hamas is at fault for the ongoing war, not Israel. The terror group could’ve ended the war months ago by returning its hostages. Hamas could have avoided the war in the first place by not committing the worst slaughter of Jews since the Holocaust.

The onus is not now somehow on Israel to give up a necessary battle for survival just to appease the global left. That Washington has joined this farce shows that the rot has fully infected the highest levels of the executive.

That leaves no hope of a cure without political change in November: Defeating Biden and the Democrats who enable him is now a moral and geostrateg­ic necessity.

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