New York Post

It’s Biden’s Mideast Mess


Many unknowns remain around Iran’s promised retaliatio­n against Israel for killing a cluster of Quds Force fighters in Syria. But one thing’s certain: This is President Biden’s foreign policy working by design.

America’s most committed Mideast enemy is menacing our most important Mideast ally, as US analysts mull over the scope of the strike and the White House wrings its hands.

Biden on Friday trotted out his trademark “Don’t” as his message to Iran on any attack. Trouble is, every time Joe wheezes that line, the other side does.

Not that Iran needs to do anything big. Thanks to Biden, it’s already winning the battle for regional supremacy with its pawns alone. Israel’s fighting an Iranian proxy on one front in Gaza as another, Hezbollah, keeps launching rockets from Lebanon and exchanging fire with Israeli forces in what may well be a prelude to open war.

Biden, guided by hopes of winning back Jew-hating voters and by demented lefties on his staff, has abandoned Israel. But from the day he took office, long before Iran struck Israel via Hamas, he has emboldened Tehran. He handed it billions in sanctions relief, broke off relations with the Saudis and did all he could to resuscitat­e the disastrous Obama nuclear deal.

So now we face the peril of hot hostilitie­s between Israel and Iran. Perhaps Biden’s calculatio­n is that Iran will make a conservati­ve play here. But if Tehran, say, dares a major strike against a soft target: What then?

The United States must respond. Joe Biden cannot continue to base his Mideast strategy on hopes and fairy tales about Iran. An attack by the ayatollahs cannot be shrugged off.

Whatever happens, Biden owns this disaster — and, absent political change in November, the policy fundamenta­ls that produced it will go on making the world less safe.

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