New York Post

Behind Joe’s Endless Lies


Joe Biden learned his lesson long ago: Lying works — and he’s too old to un-learn it now that it doesn’t. That’s why he fibs so often, on every imaginable subject.

Just Monday he trotted out an old fave — that he was the first in his family to go to college — at a speech in Wisconsin announcing his massive new student-debt vote-buying plan.

It’s patently untrue. His maternal grandfathe­r Ambrose Finnegan attended Santa Clara University, his own dad spent a year at Johns Hopkins, and the prez has previously admitted it’s bunk.

He got called out for it during his first presidenti­al run, nearly four decades ago. Yet he pathologic­ally retold the lie in a speech announcing a multibilli­ondollar giveaway to blue voters, when he had literally zero need to sell the concept with “I’m a working stiff from Scranton” kitsch anecdotes.

Other favorites include his fabricated tale of getting arrested for trying to see South African political leader Nelson Mandela, his insane claim he was at Ground Zero the day after 9/11 and the borderline slander about how the driver who tragically killed his daughter and first wife in a 1972 car crash “drank his lunch.”

And it’s not just personal history: He lies on policy, too. What else is Bidenomics, if not a lie brazenly told, retold and told yet again by the president, his flunkeys and their media lapdogs?

Despite the irrefutabl­e evidence that prices are higher and average Americans are suffering, the White House declared victory on the economic front and tried to make it the centerpiec­e of Biden’s re-election campaign; no doubt, Joe’s still furious that his staff couldn’t make it fly.

Worse, amid Israel’s justified and humane counteratt­ack against Hamas, he invented a canard about the Jewish state’s “indiscrimi­nate bombing” and debuted it at a big-ticket fundraiser to the delight of Hamas and its fifth-column thugs around the globe.

The Big Lie technique worked just fine for most of Biden’s career: his decades as one senator in 100, and from a safe blue seat; his time as veep under the biggest celebrity president since Jack Kennedy.

The buck never stopped on his desk until he took office at age 78, too late to change his spots. So he kept it up, telling the nation the border surge was just “seasonal”; his Afghan bugout, a “great success”; inflation, “transitory” — and any problem that persists is somehow Republican­s’ fault.

All without ever changing the course that brought these disasters, and so proving his old boss correct: “Don’t underestim­ate Joe’s ability to f - - k things up,” warned ex-prez Barack Obama.

And so, as poll after poll after poll shows, he’s incinerate­d the trust of the American voter. It doesn’t help that most of the media play possum, while Biden and his team live in an echo chamber that completely muffles the rumbling discontent of the public he’s supposed to serve.

And the only way to make Joe finally pay a price for his lies is for the voters to do it in November.

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