New York Post

Blame Barack for Iran

He and booster Biden aided it


IF a belligeren­t state launched 186 explosive drones, 36 cruise missiles and 110 surface-to-surface missiles from three fronts against civilian targets within America, would Joe Biden call it a “win”?

Would the president tell us the best thing we can do is show “restraint”? What if that terror state’s proxy armies had recently helped murder, rape and kidnap more than 1,000 American men, women and children? What if this terror state were trying to obtain nuclear weapons?

This is what Joe Biden and the Barack Obama acolytes, Iranian dupes and Israel antagonist­s he’s surrounded himself with demand of the Jewish state.

And by “Iranian dupes,” I don’t only mean the Jake Sullivans and Antony Blinkens of the world, who worked to elevate the mullahs over Sunni allies and the Israelis, or even a Hamas-bestie like Rob Malley or Israel-hater like Maher Bitar. I mean assets of the Islamic Republic who promised the Iranian government to help out in any way possible.

Their worldview is a cancer that’s metastasiz­ed within the Democratic Party. To these people, Israel will always be the villain. And if the Iranian regime’s murder of more than 600 American servicemen couldn’t cool that bromance, 1,300 dead Jews certainly aren’t going to do the trick.

To begin with, Jared Kushner’s Middle East policy efforts were, by every measure, more successful than not only Obama’s efforts but the decades of Brookings Institutio­n-endorsed failures the region’s endured. The Trump administra­tion undercut Palestinia­n terror efforts, stifled Iranian ambitions and created space for the Gulf states and Israel to enhance ties. Biden immediatel­y reversed those gains, reverting to Obama-era Iranian boosterism.

We’re experienci­ng the consequenc­es of pacifying Islamic ideologues. Obama might have sent the mullahs pallets of cash in the middle of the night, but Team Biden openly subsidized the Islamic Revolution­ary Guard Corps with a $6 billion ransom payment, at least $25 billion in sanctions relief, including $10 billion via a waiver, and so on. One of Biden’s first foreign-policy decisions was to overturn Trump policy by releasing millions to Gaza that would be sifted off by Hamas, restarting funding to the Hamas-allied United Nations Relief and Works Agency and removing the Iranian-backed Houthis from the terror list.

But to truly comprehend how demented our foreign policy has become, consider: Iran reportedly informed Turkey of its planned operation against Israel, and Washington told Tehran through Ankara that the attack should be “within certain limits.” This is a longtime ally of the United States we’re talking about — and a foe that’s murdered and kidnapped Americans for decades. It should be mind-boggling that Biden likely knew Iran was moving forward with its attack but still gave his goofy and impotent “Don’t.”

Indeed, the Biden team’s position seems to be that Israeli military and defense forces exist to allow Iran to have a hissy fit and save face. The Iranian attack is only “symbolic” because it failed. According to officials, the attack, indiscrimi­nately aimed at civilian centers, was designed to cause “mass casualties.”

Just because you shoot at someone and miss doesn’t mean you’re not trying to kill that person. Yes, the Iranians were embarrasse­d. But they almost surely view this as a win. And they crossed a red line by firing on Israel from their own territory. Yet Israel is apparently the only nation on Earth that is permitted to fully defend itself only if its enemies succeed.

Then again, virtually every conflict against Israel unfurls the same way: Its enemies threaten or attack the country. Israel responds and heads for a victory. Only then does the world demand “restraint.” Finally, the antagonist­s demand Israel rewind history to a more convenient spot. (Modern Democrats demand that Israel show restraint before it even has a chance to respond.)

Those, for instance, who contend Israel started the conflict when it hit a “diplomatic mission” in Syria last week are engaged in restarting the historical clock when it suits them. There are no Iranian diplomatic missions in Syria. There are buildings where IRGC terror leaders coordinate attacks on civilians — against Arabs as well as Jews. Mohammad Reza Zahedi, the “general” Israel killed last week, helped plan the barbarism of Oct 7.

Democrats blame their strawman, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, not Hamas or Iran, for trying to “drag” the world into war. The New York Times’ Tom Friedman, perhaps the wrongest person ever to tread on this planet, theorized the PM wanted “a war to shore up his own crumbling political base.” Axios reports that Netanyahu was reluctant to strike back while his cabinet wanted to move immediatel­y. Anyone who’s paid five minutes of attention to Israeli politics knows Netanyahu is frustratin­gly cautious. The “war hawk” perception of him is a myth, created by the left because of the PM’s open opposition to Obama’s mullah bootlickin­g.

We have no idea what Israel will do. Maybe caution is the best policy. The notion that the Jewish state simply lashes out in revenge and doesn’t rationally consider all its options is prepostero­us. Whatever happens, it should be Israel’s terms, not Iran’s.

Despite what Obama’s retreads demand.

 ?? ?? Or no deal: People protest the nuclear agreement ahead of then-VP Biden’s meeting with Jewish community leaders to discuss it in Davie, Fla., in 2015.
Or no deal: People protest the nuclear agreement ahead of then-VP Biden’s meeting with Jewish community leaders to discuss it in Davie, Fla., in 2015.
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