New York Post


America’s new Ukraine aid package will help keep Russia at bay, but only sustained support will beat Putin back to Moscow


KYIV — I was elated on Saturday night as I watched the House of Representa­tives wrap up its vote on a $61 billion aid package for Ukraine. Even six months after President Biden proposed the increased aid, bringing the bill up for a vote took historic courage and leadership from House Speaker Mike Johnson, who could still lose his job for defying the will of the majority of House Republican­s who oppose aid.

But here in Ukraine, the reaction has been surprising­ly muted. The weaponry likely to flow in coming weeks will be essential on the battlefiel­d and in cities across the country, where Russian air attacks have intensifie­d sharply in recent weeks. It should start to stabilize the front in eastern and southern Ukraine, where Moscow is currently poised to break through, and help Ukrainians shore up their defenses in anticipati­on of the Russian thrust that many expect in coming months as spring sunshine hardens the muddy ground between the two armies.

What the package is unlikely to do is enable Kyiv to go on the offensive, turning the tide of the war and positionin­g Ukraine to win.

This isn’t new. Since the Russian invasion in February 2022, the US and other allies have kept Ukraine on a short leash, providing just enough weaponry to prevent Russia from winning, but not enough to enable Kyiv to triumph. This worked for a while, with Ukrainians’ ingenuity and resourcefu­lness making up for what they lacked against a far more powerful enemy. But it’s not a winning strategy for the long run.

“It all comes back to the math,” one Ukrainian friend reminded me after the House vote. Russia’s population, an estimated 144 million, is more than three times that of Ukraine. According to one authoritat­ive estimate, Russian fighters in Ukraine number more than 450,000 and are growing. The Ukrainian parliament recently passed a new mobilizati­on law, and President Volodymyr Zelensky signed an older bill lowering the draft age from 27 to 25. But neither measure goes far enough to make as much difference as many had hoped in filling out the ranks of the armed forces.

Perhaps most significan­t — Russia’s most daunting advantage — is the gap between the two economies. Despite Western sanctions, President Vladimir Putin has been able to put the Russian economy on a war footing, converting shopping centers into munitions plants and ramping up round-the-clock production. The Ukrainian economy is still clawing its way back from the first year of the war, when GDP fell by a devastatin­g 29%. Also, many recent Russian air attacks have targeted Ukrainian weapons factories, skewing the imbalance

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