News-Herald (Perkasie, PA)

Graffiti temporaril­y closes Perkasie skate park

- By Meghan Ross

GrDIfiWL Rn nHw PHWDOOLF signs at the Perkasie skate park caused the park’s 24hour closure Tuesday, Dec. 4.

The borough decided the park needed to be closed wKLOH WKH JrDIfiWL wDV rHmoved.

The sign that was vandalized listed the rules of the SDrN, Dnd WKH JrDIfiWL DddHd new rules with “colorful” language, Parks and Recreation Director Joshua Aniskevich said.

Assistant Borough ManDJHr $ndrHD CRDxuP VDLd the value of the signs, which were just installed recently, is hundreds of dollars.

CRDxuP VDLd OLWWHrLnJ Dnd vandalism have been a problem in the past in Perkasie.

The railing at the top of the skate ramps had been taken down before, and metal caging below the ramps had been pulled back. Some of the benches at the park had also been moved in the past, CRDxuP VDLd.

One of the new tactics to prevent this kind of vandalism is to close the park. The borough encourages anyone in the park who witnesses vandalism to call the borough or the Perkasie police or discourage the person doing the act themselves.

“Across the nation, there are thousands of community parks, and every one has a problem with vandalism from WLPH WR WLPH,” CRDxuP VDLd.

Video monitoring of certain public areas in Perkasie like the pool and the skate park has been discussed before, but the borough had decided not to install cameras.

$nLVNHvLFK VDLd JrDIfiWL using spray paint or markers isn’t common. What’s more common is “tagging,” which is when skaters put up stickers of their favorite skater brands onto surfaces at the skate park.

“Tagging is their way to get their sport on the map and the product,” Aniskevich said. “We let them do tagging. We’ve never frowned upon that.”

Aniskevich said closing the park was the borough’s way of sending a message for skaters to be on the lookout for vandals and self-police the park.

CRDxuP VDLd WKH ERrRuJK is interested in programmin­g and events for kids who use the skate park. Friendly competitio­ns between skaters and skate lessons are two ideas that have been discussed, but the borough is RSHn WR nHw LdHDV. CRDxuP said she hopes with these kinds of events, those at the skate park will feel empowered to help protect the park and to take ownership of the park.

Aniskevich said the park had been open for a period of time before the vandalism, but it was just as a “soft opening.” A grand, ceremonial re-opening of the park will take place sometime soon. Ansikevich said he hopes to have a local band play Christmas music and have Mayor John Hollenbach help with the ribbon cutting.

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