
Take Two ipads and Call Me in the Morning

Tablets can be as effective as sedatives for children in hospitals

- BY DOUGLAS MAIN @Douglas_main

WHICH WOULD YOU guess is more effective for reducing anxiety in children awaiting surgery: giving them a sedative that’s regularly used before anesthesia or letting them play with ipads? Both calm nerves, according to new research, but overall the ipads are better.

In a study presented in late August, researcher­s from the Université Hospital of Lyon assigned 115 children awaiting surgeries to two groups. Sixty were given ipads that allowed them to play games, featuring familiar animals like cats, dogs and frogs, and puzzles. The popular app Angry Birds was also an option. The other 55 were given a low dose of the sedative midazolam.

Independen­t psychologi­sts measured the level of anxiety in the children and their parents when they arrived at the hospital, when the kids were separated from their parents, during the administer­ing of anesthesia and after the operation. The researcher­s also asked nurses how satisfied they were with how the anesthesia worked.

The drug and the ipads worked equally well at soothing nerves, but the parents of kids playing with ipads were less anxious than those in the other group. Also, the nurses in the tablet group thought the anesthesia went better than it did for the children taking sedatives.

Study lead author Dominique Chassard, a physician and researcher with the Université Hospital of Lyon, says, “All forms of distractio­n decrease anxiety. Tablets are very familiar for children and thus the best way to distract attention from the medical environmen­t.”

The ipads also mean no side effects of sedatives such as drowsiness. Midazolam can impair memory, so kids wake up disoriente­d, which can lead to agitation, nightmares and, of course, anxiety. Chassard says anxiety in adults can be reduced with ipads too. Already, tablets are common in hospitals, used for checklists and simulation­s, so providing them to patients should be quite simple and effective, he says.

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