


IF YOU’RE lucky enough to get hold of a premium Kavalan whisky like the Amontillad­o sherry, which boasts honey, tropical fruits and nuttiness with an comes in its own luxurious, solid teak case with a splash of verdant green running down one side. The distinctiv­e box has been designed to match the award-winning whisky inside.


IN LESS than 10 years, Kavalan has collected more than 220 gold medals from the world’s highest drinks authoritie­s. It has collected the WWA’S biggest awards two years in a row: the World’s Best Single Malt Whisky by the prestigiou­s World Whiskies Awards in 2015 and again its World’s Best Single Cask Single Malt in 2016, it’s also earned the covetous title of Internatio­nal Wine and Spirit Competitio­n “Producer of the than 60 countries, the most surprising thing about this global whisky sensation is that Kavalan is made in Taiwan.

More than a decade ago, making imaginatio­n. The problem had been how to make world-class whisky in a hot, humid climate with average temperatur­es of 33 degrees Celsius in a summer. No one else had had the vision or daring to try it before.

decided to work to their strengths. They recruited global whisky guru, the late Dr Jim Swan, and together, rather than dense humidity, they harnessed it and created a fast-tracked whisky, which ripens bearing the characteri­stics of a drop twice its age.


KAVALAN’S name is taken from the indigenous name of the county in north eastern Taiwan where it’s made. It’s also the name of the early people that settled those parts. On the gold panel inside the box, it reads: “The Mists of Kavalan: In ancient times… Kavalan had always been kept primitive and protected from the outside world by the Syue-shan mountain range.”

Over the past 10 years, these sublime Yilan mountains shrouded in mists have harboured a global whisky trailblaze­r. which in turn gives the water a sweeter, purer mouth-feel and imparts the signature creaminess of Kavalan whisky.


RICH IN ZINC, calcium and magnesium, the yeast, which comes into play during fermentati­on. Kavalan’s yeast can achieve a high alcohol yield and produce the Taiwanese whisky’s characteri­stic

Until December last year, it was very hard to get your hands on a bottle of Kavalan. But things could be set to change with the commission­ing of Kavalan’s Second Distillery and Second Maturation Warehouse for its 10th anniversar­y in 2016. The expansion apparently makes Kavalan the world’s 9th biggest distiller, doubling its annual production to 9 million litres.


MASTER BLENDER Ian Chang explains on the whisky’s quality, while the second decade will be about making Kavalan available globally.

In Kavalan’s gleaming new Second shaped copper stills from legendary whisky stills maker Forsyths stand in a vast white vault, having traveled by sea from Scotland.

They will play a major role in helping Kavalan spread a world class whisky across the globe.

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