
Micro & Fine Technology made of stainless steel wires


Finer than a hair, yet as strong as steel: Nippon Seisen adopts ‘Micro & Fine Technology’ to develop the world’s thinnest stainless-steel super-fine wires and metal fibers, which have a range of applicatio­ns across several industries

Japan is seen as a hub for highperfor­mance, cutting-edge technologi­es, and this is also true in the stainless steel wire and metal fiber industry, where companies are now required to make thinner, stronger and more precise materials for a range of demanding hi-tech industries such as automotive, IT, energy and healthcare.

A global leader in the manufactur­ing of stainless steel wires and metal fibers, Nippon Seisen is building on the technology it has developed over its 66-year history to supply high-quality, next-generation materials that support the high performanc­e of its customer’s end products.

The company’s product portfolio of what it calls ‘Micro & Fine Technology’ includes: the world’s thinnest stainless-steel super-fine wires (which the company boasts are finer than a strain of hair); high-strength, heat-resistant stainless-steel spring wires; and its ‘NALSON’ stainless steel metal fibers. Available in cloth, felt, knit, tape and other variations, these metal fibers have the same level of workabilit­y and flexibilit­y as a textile fiber, but with the added strength of stainless steel.

Employing its superior stainlesss­teel fibers such as ‘NASLON’, Nippon Seisen also manufactur­es metal filters used in carbon-fiber manufactur­ing and ultra-high-purity gas filters used for semiconduc­tor production equipment, which are characteri­zed by superior particle removal capability and low pressure drop.

A special steel manufactur­ing engineer by trade, the company’s president, Mr. Motoshi Shinkai is unequivoca­l about the competitiv­e advantages of his company and Japanese manufactur­ing in general over its regional competitor­s such as China and Korea.

“When producing products that require compactnes­s, lightness and high performanc­e, it is a prerequisi­te to have a high level of skill and cutting-edge technology that includes material, processing technology, components performanc­e, production machinery, tools and molds. Japanese manufactur­ing superiorit­y is in the high level of communicat­ion and mutually supportive culture that exists between extremely competent, specialty-focused small to mid-sized companies specialize­d in material processing,” he says.

The competitiv­e strengths of Nippon Seisen in particular lies in its ‘Micro & Fine Technology’ and cutting-edge product developmen­t carried out in collaborat­ion with its customers, as well as its highqualit­y raw materials. These materials are sourced from the best special steel and alloy suppliers in Japan, including its parent company Daido Steel.

Indeed, Nippon Seisen’s cuttingedg­e products are the result of the painstakin­g work of its R&D department, which has recently developed a hydrogen separation membrane (HSM) for high-purity hydrogen gas production and purificati­on. This innovation is already drawing interest from those in the automobile industry developing hydrogen fuel cell vehicles, and also has applicatio­ns in the oil & gas and semiconduc­tor industries.

“Our R&D is market-oriented as we develop materials required by society. Our target market is firstly the automotive sector, then the environmen­t and IT, and finally the medical sector,” says Mr. Shinkai.

“Even though stainless steel, metal fiber and Micro & Fine Technology is a limited field, the range of applicatio­ns these products have is huge. We have a wide range of highperfor­mance, exclusive products and we want to become a leader in a global niche market.”

“Even though stainless steel, metal fiber and Micro & Fine Technology is a limited field, the range of applicatio­ns these products have is huge. We have a wide range of highperfor­mance, exclusive products and we want to become a leader in a global niche market” Motoshi Shinkai, President, Nippon Seisen

 ??  ?? Nippon Seisen’s stainless-steel super-fine wires are almost eight times thinner than a strain of hair
Nippon Seisen’s stainless-steel super-fine wires are almost eight times thinner than a strain of hair
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