
Theory of Common Good

Xi Jinping Thought on Diplomacy moves China and the world closer to a shared future

- By Yu Lintao

China has been in its best period of developmen­t in modern times, while the world is undergoing the most profound and unpreceden­ted changes in a century. Against this backdrop, China enjoys many favorable external conditions to carry out diplomatic work presently and in the years to come. President Xi Jinping made this assessment at the country’s highestlev­el meeting on diplomatic work.

On June 22-23, the Central Conference on Work Relating to Foreign Affairs was held in Beijing. In a keynote speech, Xi stressed that the banner of a community with a shared future for mankind should be upheld to help make the global governance system fairer and more reasonable, and the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st-century Maritime Silk Road, known as the Belt and Road ,QLWLDWLYH VKRXOG EH VROLGLĶHG WR HOHYDWH WKH Frxqtry’s opening up to a new level.

Along with its rapid economic developmen­t in recent decades, China is moving ever closer to the center of the world stage, and diplomatic work is taking a correspond­ingly pivotal role in China’s overall policy decisions. The conference not only reviewed China’s achievemen­ts on the diplomatic front since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) in 2012, but also provided theoretica­l and practical answers to the major question of how to sustain progress in foreign affairs in the new era—xi Jinping Thought on Diplomacy.

Wang Yiwei, a professor of internatio­nal studies at Beijing-based Renmin University of China, said the establishm­ent of Xi’s thought on diplomacy as an overarchin­g guideline makes the design of China’s diplomacy much clearer. Xi’s important diplomatic ideas include building of a community with a shared future for mankind, the Belt and Road Initiative and the creation of a network of global partnershi­ps.

Providing guidance

In his speech, Xi listed 10 principles that the country’s diplomacy should follow and offered FODULĶFDWL­RQ RQ SROLWLFDO JXLGDQFH KLVWRULF PLVVLRQV major diplomatic ideas, strategic plans and the direction of the country’s developmen­t. According to these principles, China will advance major counWU\ GLSORPDF\ ZLWK &KLQHVH FKDUDFWHUL­VWLFV WR IXOĶOO the mission of realizing national rejuvenati­on and take preserving world peace and pursuing common developmen­t as the purpose to promote the building of a community with a shared future for humanity.

“The 10 principles are the essence of Xi’s diplomatic thought. They are the systematic summary of China’s diplomatic theories and practices since the 18th CPC National Congress and the foremost guide for ensuring the sustainabl­e developmen­t of China’s diplomacy,” said Chen Xiangyang, Director of the Crisis Management Research Center under the China Institutes of Contempora­ry Internatio­nal Relations.

The world is undergoing unpreceden­ted changes and China is faced with both huge opportunit­ies and challenges for its developmen­t, according to Ruan Zongze, Executive Vice President of the China Institute of Internatio­nal Studies. Since the 18th CPC National Congress, he said, China’s diplomacy has taken on a new look. He believes that implementi­ng Xi’s diplomatic thought can help the country create a favorable external environmen­t for the realizatio­n of China’s national rejuvenati­on and the building of a community with a shared future for mankind.

An inspiring conception

In his speech, Xi pointed out that in order to have a correct assessment of the internatio­nal situation, an accurate understand­ing of history, the overall situation and China’s role and position in the world pattern should be formed.

Men Honghua, a senior researcher of internatio­nal studies at Shanghai-based Tongji University, said that in today’s world, uncertaint­y is swiftly emerging, and therefore only through a correct assessment of the internatio­nal situation and seeking truth can China’s diplomacy stay on track.

Xi in his speech not only suggested observing the current internatio­nal situation, but also reviewed the past, summarizin­g historical laws and looking forward to the future to better understand the trend of history. As for the accurate understand­ing of the overall situation, Xi underlined not only the observatio­n of phenomena and details, but also a deep appreciati­on of the essence and overall situation, in order not to get lost in the complex and changing internatio­nal situation.

“We must recognize that the evolution of the principal contradict­ion facing Chinese society does not change our assessment of the present stage of socialism in China. The basic dimension of the Chinese context that our country is still and will long remain in the primary stage of socialism has not changed. China’s internatio­nal status as the world’s largest developing country has not changed,” Xi said.

Being both a developing country and a major country is China’s self-identified role in its diplomacy, said Wang Fan, Vice President of China Foreign Affairs University. As a developing country, China needs to focus on its own developmen­t and conduct external work thoughtful­ly according to its national conditions. As a major country, China should fully realize its influence in shaping world history and its responsibi­lity of playing a more active and constructi­ve role in internatio­nal affairs.

Calling the period between the 19th and 20th CPC national congresses “a historical juncture for realizing the Two Centenary Goals of China,” Xi said the period is of great significan­ce in the historical progress of the great rejuvenati­on of the Chinese nation. According to the twin goals, China will become a moderately prosperous society with a stronger economy, greater democracy, more advanced science and education, thriving culture, greater social harmony and a better quality of life by the centenary of the CPC, and will basically achieve modernizat­ion and turn itself into a modern socialist country by the centenary of the People’s Republic of China.

Xi called for an in-depth analysis of the law of how the internatio­nal situation changes when the world comes upon a transition­al period and the accurate grasp of the basic characteri­stics of the external environmen­t China is facing at this historical juncture, in order to better plan and facilitate the country’s work on foreign affairs.

China solution

Building a community with a shared future for mankind is one of the goals of China’s diplomacy in the new era. It is also the direction that China hopes to strive for along with the combined efforts of the internatio­nal community.

At the conference, Xi particular­ly emphasized this dimension of Chinese diplomacy. He stressed the importance of keeping in mind both domestic and internatio­nal imperative­s in dealing with foreign affairs. He said the country’s diplomatic work should take national rejuvenati­on and promoting world peace and common developmen­t as the main tasks, strive to build a community with a shared future for mankind, and firmly safeguard the country’s sovereignt­y, security and developmen­t interests.

According to Ma Zhaoxu, China’s Permanent Representa­tive to the UN, Xi’s diplomatic vision of building a community with a shared future for mankind and creating a new type of internatio­nal relations is a solution provided by China for addressing global problems amid unpreceden­ted changes in the internatio­nal situation.

Against the backdrop of prevailing protection­ism and a rising suspicion of multilater­alism, the world needs more than ever an all-win solution to address our common challenges, Ma said.

China’s diplomatic ideas have gained increasing acknowledg­ment and acceptance among the internatio­nal community. Building a community with a shared future for mankind and the Belt and Road Initiative have both been incorporat­ed into UN documents.

Dai Changzheng, Dean of the School of Internatio­nal Relations at the Beijing-based University of Internatio­nal Business and Economics, shared Ma’s view. In the face of the global wave of populism, isolationi­sm and protection­ism, world peace and global developmen­t are confronted with ever more severe challenges, he said.

P7KH OHVVRQV RI WKH WZR ZRUOG ZDUV LQ WKH ĶUVW half of the 20th century also require the internatio­nal community to abandon the zero-sum mentality. Collaborat­ively building a community with a shared future conforms to the trend of the times,” Dai said.

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