



The Art of Jury Selection

robert hirschhorn knew exactly what type of jurors he wanted in the months ahead of George Zimmerman’s 2013 trial. His client, the shooter of Trayvon Martin, was, at the time, “the most hated man in America,” says Hirschhorn. “I particular­ly wanted women in that jury. I had concluded that if a woman was getting her head pounded into the cement, and she had a gun on her, she would be more inclined to reach for that gun than a man.”

An all-female jury acquitted Zimmerman of second-degree murder for the killing of Martin. He claimed he shot the 17-year-old in self-defense, but critics said the shooting was racially motivated and that the teen was killed because he was black.

For Hirschhorn, a decades-long trial consultant, the jury selection process was all about one thing: finding individual­s who, because of their experience­s or identity, would likely accept the defense’s version of events.

Last year, attorney Benjamin Brafman represente­d another most hated man in America: “pharma bro” Martin Shkreli, who hiked the price of a life-saving HIV/AIDS drug, Daraprim, by 5,000 percent. Shkreli was charged with securities fraud, not price gouging, but the widespread negative coverage likely colored public perception of the defendant, as well as the opinions of potential jurors.

“I was looking for people who I believed would be sympatheti­c,” says Brafman. “Older people, middle class as opposed to upper class, and people who do not spend their entire day on the internet, where Martin was a constant presence and, unfortunat­ely, in some respect his own worst enemy with some of the things he said.”

Brafman apparently chose well. Shkreli was acquitted of five out of the eight charges and sentenced to seven years in prison for securities fraud and conspiracy. Had he been convicted on all charges, he could have faced decades in prison.

Defense lawyers can’t expect—and don’t always need—a jury that sees the defendant as completely innocent. John Gotti Jr.,

an American mobster who ran the Gambino crime family after his own father was imprisoned on Cosa Nostra–related charges, was represente­d by Jeffrey Lichtman at his 2005 murder trial. “We were looking for people who were not completely turned off by the Gotti name and who felt the government sometimes oversteps,” says Lichtman. “It got to the point where every [potential juror] we asked said, ‘We think he’s guilty, but we’re willing to keep an open mind.’ Those were the people we were stuck with.”

Still, Lichtman secured the dismissal of all three murder conspiracy charges and an acquittal on a $25 million securities fraud charge. The remaining counts were hung up with a deadlocked jury. Lichtman says his jury picks “absolutely” had an impact on the outcome.

But what happens when the crime or the defendant is politicall­y charged? In that case, the traditiona­l rule book for choosing jurors goes out the window, all three lawyers say. The August trial of Paul Manafort made that abundantly clear.

no trial this year has garnered more media scrutiny than that of Manafort, President Donald Trump’s former campaign manager. The financial fraud charges he faced stemmed from special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigat­ion into Russia’s election interferen­ce in 2016 and were not directly connected to his work for Trump.

Manafort’s first trial had been set for mid-september in Washington, D.C., but Mueller later filed additional charges requiring Manafort to be tried where he lived, in Alexandria, Virginia. Manafort chose not to waive the jurisdicti­on, so the government could not merge the two cases. The separate Virginia trial offered Manafort’s lawyers the chance to try his case before a jury picked from a more conservati­ve area than D.C., where only 4 percent of voters cast their ballots for Trump in 2016.

Manafort’s Virginia trial moved swiftly. On the first day, the jury was selected, the first witness testified, and the infamous $15,000 ostrich jacket was mentioned by prosecutor­s as evidence of Manafort’s lavish lifestyle (fueled by fraud, they said). Three weeks later, the jury of six men and six women convicted Manafort

Manafort’s lawyers “have their work cut out for them, I can tell you that.”

on eight of the 18 charges related to tax and bank fraud and hiding a foreign bank account.

“The evidence was overwhelmi­ng,” Paula Duncan, a Trump supporter, told Fox News after the verdict. She was the only juror to speak publicly after the trial. “I did not want Paul Manafort to be guilty, but he was. And no one is above the law.”

But no verdict was rendered on the remaining 10 counts, reportedly thanks to one juror—another Trump supporter who refused to find Manafort guilty on most counts. “We tried to convince her of the paper trail again and again,” Duncan said. “She said she still had a reasonable doubt.”

The second trial is set for September 24 in Washington, D.C., though Manafort’s lawyers have requested a change of location. They suggested a federal court in Roanoke, Virginia—a “neutral and less media-saturated locale.” They believe their client has “become an unwilling player in the larger drama between Mr. Mueller and President Trump,” particular­ly as Trump regularly tweets about the trial.

Wherever it’s held, the lawyers who spoke to Newsweek had one piece of advice for Manafort’s defense team: Politics, and only

politics, matter. The first trial, and the Trump-voting juror’s public statements, only supports their case. “I don’t think gender matters. I don’t think age matters. I don’t think race matters,” Hirschhorn says. “The only question they should be asking is, ‘Did you vote for Trump?’”

Hirschhorn says he might also consider conservati­ve Democrats. “Liberal jurors will burn him at the stake—because it’s Manafort and because he was tied at the hip with Trump, it’s infinitely politicize­d.”

Lichtman suggests Manafort’s legal team could also look for jurors who have been charged with a crime, or who know someone who has been charged with a crime. They would “understand that sometimes the government is overreachi­ng or unfair, that sometimes they cheat,” he says. “The average person, without that experience, thinks anybody arrested is automatica­lly guilty.”

Manafort faces a maximum prison sentence of 80 years for the present conviction­s. His second trial will bring the added challenge of finding a jury pool that is willing to overlook the conviction­s from his first trial.

According to Lichtman, before a second trial for Gotti, his client had on his side the public perception that he might have left the Mafia. That was aided by one key fact: The first trial’s jury had acquitted him, “and that seemed to help,” Lichtman says. “Manafort has the opposite problem, because people already think he’s guilty, and they figure, Why not convict him again?” His lawyers, Lichtman adds, “have their work cut out for them, I can tell you that.”

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 ??  ?? TRIAL BY FIRE Left to right, attorney Mark O’mara, Hirschhorn and Zimmerman at the 2013 trial for the shooting of Martin.
TRIAL BY FIRE Left to right, attorney Mark O’mara, Hirschhorn and Zimmerman at the 2013 trial for the shooting of Martin.
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 ??  ?? SUSPECT BEHAVIOR From top: A protester welcomes Manafort as he arrives for his arraignmen­t in Alexandria, Virginia, on March 8; Duncan, a juror.
SUSPECT BEHAVIOR From top: A protester welcomes Manafort as he arrives for his arraignmen­t in Alexandria, Virginia, on March 8; Duncan, a juror.
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