
Joe Biden, 76


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Joe Biden is one oi $merica’s most beloved Democrats— a seli admitted gaiie machine and Barack Obama’s unlikely bestie. $nd there’s no doubt that he is currently a 2020 Iront runner.

The Iormer Delaware senator intended to run in 20 but decided against it when his son Beau passed away aiter a long battle with brain cancer. Now at he’s considerin­g another go mostly at Beau’s behest.

Biden has a colloquial style that appeals to white rural voters throughout the 0idwest and the South and he has a knack Ior explaining Democratic policies on labor health care and energy in ways that make sense to independen­t and even moderate 5epublican voters. Still at a time when the party is clamoring Ior Iresh blood he would be one oi the oldest presidents to ever serve. There’s also a long legislativ­e history Ior progressiv­es to pick at. $ 0s crime bill backed by Biden that helped Iuel mass incarcerat­ion in the 8.S. as well as his handling oi the $nita Hill hearing during Supreme &ourt Justice &larence Thomas’s conɿrmatio­n could come back to bite him. —NG

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