
The Archives



With John Kerry’s bruising defeat still recent, Barack Obama’s “electrifyi­ng speech” at the 2004 Democratic convention had made him a top contender for 2008. “Obama isn’t cocky, but he is confident and fully prepared to step into a leadership role for the Democrats,” Jonathan Alter reported. The 43-year-old senator was not accustomed to the attention. “I’m so overexpose­d, I make Paris Hilton look like a recluse,” he joked. The accompanyi­ng photos reveal just how much his subsequent presidency aged him.


Germany had conquered France in 1940, and a proɿle of :alther von Brauchitsc­h, Hitleršs “guiding spirit in all e[pansionist moves,” had Newsweek alarmed by its aggression toward Britain. The 8.6. had yet to enter :orld :ar II, but President Franklin Roosevelt told the nation, “Frankly and deɿnitely, there is danger ahead.”


The 0 year old Meryl 6treep was poised to become “the ɿrst American woman since Jane Fonda to rival the power of such male stars as 'ustin Hoffman >and@ Jack Nicholson.” Raves for Kramer vs. Kramer would earn 6treep her ɿrst Academy Award. It was the beginning of a streak The most nominated actress total 1 has won three Oscars to date.

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