

The arrival of 5G will revolution­ize games the way 4G changed video streaming.



much faster, and that’s going to change gaming dramatical­ly. 4G, adopted 10 years ago, is shorthand for “fourth generation” mobile technology. It exponentia­lly increased the amount of data sent to your phone and made it possible to stream high-quality video. 4G tech put a DVD player in your pocket; 5G is going to put a Playstatio­n there too.

“In ɿve to 10 years, a game-streaming company will be as prevalent as Netʀix,” Shivendra Panwar, a professor of electrical and computer engineerin­g and director of the New York State Center for Advanced Technology in Telecommun­ications at New York University, tells Newsweek. Total game sales around the world were estimated to have been $138 billion in 2018.

Panwar says companies like Netʀix took off because of wireless consumptio­n of their videos, ɿrst via home :i-)i and then on phones following the arrival of 4G. But the change didn’t happen fast. “In the early years, video-streaming quality wasn’t great, and it was not available everywhere,” he says.

5G data speeds can be up to 20 times faster than 4G, allowing download speeds of 20 gigabytes per second. But ɿrst network operators will have to ɿnish upgrading their equipment and phone manufactur­ers will have to roll out devices that can handle the greater speed and volume of data. 5G networks have already been launched in test markets in South Korea, China, Japan and the U.S. Samsung is launching its ɿrst 5G-enabled phone, the Galaxy S10 5G, on May 14.

If 5G works as advertised, it will eliminate the need for big game consoles. Instead of using a $300 system, you will be able to play games on your phone, computer or TV while a cloud server does all the processing. The experience should be indistingu­ishable from having a game console in the room with you, which is bad news for companies, like Nintendo, that manufactur­e game hardware.

But Panwar says, “Cloud-based gaming is something people are skeptical about because, like with 4G and then with 5G, it won’t be available everywhere, or there won’t be good data plans.”

One big unresolved technical challenge facing cloud gaming via 5G is latency—that is, the time it takes a cloud server to recognize which buttons the user just pressed. A noticeable lag can make gaming impossible when reaction time is measured in millisecon­ds. Even today’s :i-)i isn’t reliable enough for profession­al gamers, who still connect their equipment with physical Ethernet cables for tournament play. Panwar, who researches latency, says a key to eliminatin­g it is upgrading transmissi­on control protocols. TCPS are the software that allow a computer or phone to manage the torrent of data it receives from a wireless network.

“Imagine the data is going through a water pipe between your device and the network,” Panwar explains. “The TCP must estimate the length of the pipe, the diameter and the location. And it’s changing constantly,” he says adding, “TCPS that will support game streaming are not yet tuned to optimize for low latency, though there has been some progress recently.”

Meanwhile, major players in tech and gaming are jockeying to become the Netʀix of gaming in the post-5g world. Sony and Microsoft already have digital-only subscripti­on services for their consoles. The lead, however, currently belongs to Google.

Google Stadia, announced in March, is the ɿrst game-streaming service that’s based solely on cloud server computing. Stadia will be a subscripti­on service like Netʀix no price has been announced) that will enable you to play the latest games in ultra-high resolution on any device that supports a Google Chrome browser or Stadia app.

No new hardware is required, and Google says its cloud servers provide vastly more processing power than home consoles and PCS do. In theory, that means Stadia will deliver a better game experience on your phone than even the best consoles. And because Stadia uses the cloud, developers will be able to design more complex games without having to squeeze them onto home hardware.

But Stadia will also give Google access to your data. “A big advantage for game-streaming applicatio­ns like Stadia is it allows for collection of real-time data on gamer behavior and preference­s,” Panwar says. A Google spokesman told Newsweek Stadia “will be aligned with Google policies seen on our other offerings.” The company collects user data on services like Youtube and Google Maps. Stadia can run on 5G or :i-)i, but some :ifi setups may not be able to handle streaming a high-quality game.

It’s clear there is a huge potential audience in 5G streaming. :hat’s less obvious is who will dominate the market.

“I can’t predict whether Google will get it right or if some other competitor will,” Panwar says.

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