
Parting Shot

- —H. Alan Scott

Angela Bassett

FROM EARNING AN OSCAR NOMINATION FOR THE DRAMATIC TINA TURNER biopic What’s Love Got to Do With It to the shape-shifting worlds of Ryan Murphy’s American Horror Story and Marvel’s Black Panther, Angela Bassett has tackled every genre. But there’s one area where she truly shines: action. With Navot Papushado’s Gunpowder Milkshake (July 14 on Netflix), Bassett dominates as a hit woman alongside a team of other powerful women. “I mean, Michelle Yeoh! Oh my gosh! Carla Gugino! I never thought I would have an opportunit­y to work with them.” Bassett, Yeoh and Gugino play the three hit women Scarlet (Lena Headey) and Sam (Karen Gillan) turn to in order to protect their way of life. “It was planned to come out during the pandemic,” but got pushed back because of theater closures. “Finally, things are coming back to normal, and we get to see it the way it should be seen: on the big screen!” The wait was certainly worth it, because Milkshake was made to be enjoyed with a big bucket of popcorn. “It’s so larger than life, so full of energy and gravitas, attitude, laughter and fun.”

“ONCE I DID GET THE script, I thought, ‘YEAH, I’VE SAID yes to THE RIGHT people.’”

What was it about Gunpowder Milkshake that you first responded to?

Talking with the director. I didn’t even see the script initially. So it really was just having faith in his vision. Once I did get the script, a lot of it came to life. I thought, “Yeah, I’ve said yes to the right people.”

Do you like DOING Action films? Do you Hope THERE will BE more FEMALE-CENTERED ones like this?

It’s so thrilling, so exciting, so different and juicy. And it’s authentic. We buy them in this world and their capabiliti­es in kicking butt. I hope that that bodes well and they’ll be more.

ARE you SEEING more Diversity In THE projects Coming your way?

That, indeed, is exciting. I welcome and embrace that, because to me, that’s what the world looks like. That’s what the world needs to see more of, it makes a difference.

Waiting to Exhale was such A pivotal film For your CAREER. WHAT Impact Do you think It HAD?

Back then so many movies started with the male lead, the white male lead and then maybe his buddy, and maybe then his girlfriend or his long-suffering wife at home. This one centered on women, Black women, and their internal lives. And after that movie, we had more movies that included women. That was sort of a door that Waiting to Exhale helped kick open.

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