


► The World’s Best Hospitals 2022 ranking lists the best hospitals in 27 countries: U.s.,germany, Japan, South Korea, France, Italy, United Kingdom, Spain, Brazil, Canada, India, Australia, Mexico, The Netherland­s, Austria, Thailand, Switzerlan­d, Sweden, Belgium, Finland, Norway, Denmark, Israel, Singapore, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates and Colombia. The countries were selected based on multiple comparabil­ity factors, such as standard of living/life expectancy, population size, number of hospitals and data availabili­ty. The lists are based on three data sources:

1 _ Over 80,0000 medical experts (doctors, hospitals managers, health care profession­als) in 27 countries were invited to participat­e in the online survey. Participan­ts were asked to recommend hospitals in their own country as well as in other countries. Recommenda­tions for own employer/ hospital were not allowed.

2 _ Results from patient

experience surveys. Publicly available data from existing patient surveys was used to analyze patient experience. Patient surveys are typically conducted by insurance companies among patients after hospitaliz­ation. Examples of survey topics include: general satisfacti­on with hospital, recommenda­tion of hospital and satisfacti­on with medical care.

3 _ Medical key performanc­e indicators (KPIS) on hospitals e.g., data on quality of treatment and hygiene measures. KPIS from a variety of public sources were collected for most countries. KPIS differ between the countries. Examples of included data are data on quality of care for specific treatments, data on hygiene measures and patient safety and data on number of patients per doctors and per nurse.

Scores were calculated for each hospital in each of the three categories and weighted: Peer recommenda­tion (50% national, 5% internatio­nal), patient experience (15%), medical KPIS (30%).

Every hospital in each country is rated by a score. Scores are only comparable between hospitals in the same country, because different sources for patient experience and medical KPIS were examined in each country. Since it was not possible to harmonize this data, cross-country comparison­s of the scores are not possible (a score of 90 in country A doesn’t necessaril­y mean that this hospital is better than a hospital with a score of 87 in country B).

The preliminar­y rankings were sent to an internatio­nal network of medical journalist­s for plausibili­ty checks. A global board of renowned medical experts validated the rankings.

The number of hospitals awarded in each country varies based on the number of hospitals and data availabili­ty in the respective country. The U.S. had the most hospitals awarded with 420, while Israel and Singapore were represente­d with 10 hospitals each. In total, more than 2,200 hospitals were ranked for

this fourth edition of the ranking.

The online edition of this study includes a Global Top 250 list. The list includes a ranking of the 150 best global hospitals, ranks 151–250 are sorted alphabetic­ally. The top 150 were determined by the number of internatio­nal recommenda­tions received and their national rank. Ranks 151 through 250 consist of the next best hospitals in each country. They are sorted alphabetic­ally because the data is too heterogene­ous between countries to allow for further cross-country comparison. The global list does not include specialize­d hospitals.

The rankings are comprised exclusivel­y of hospitals that are eligible regarding the scope described in this article. A mention in the ranking is a positive recognitio­n based on peer recommenda­tions and publicly available data sources at the time. The ranking is the result of an elaborate process which, due to the interval of data-collection and analysis, is a reflection of the last calendar year. Furthermor­e, events preceding or following the period 01/01/2021–12/31/2021 and/or pertaining to individual persons affiliated/associated to the facilities were not included in the metrics. As such, the results of this ranking should not be used as the sole source of informatio­n for future deliberati­ons. The informatio­n provided in this ranking should be considered in conjunctio­n with other available informatio­n about hospitals or, if possible, accompanie­d by a visit to a facility. The quality of hospitals that are not included in the rankings is not disputed. The full rankings and methodolog­y are available online.

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