Non-Sport Update


- By Bob Hulsart

Topps is adding a new element to Star Wars with the release of Chrome Black Star Wars trading cards. The company has used this premium format before for Topps Chrome Black Baseball. The card stock is unique in design, featuring a black matte finish for the base cards and the autographs.

The 100-card base set focuses on characters from across the Star Wars galaxy—Darth Vader, Darth Maul, Kylo Ren, and Obi-Wan Kenobi all have examples along with supporting characters. The cards are printed on Chrome Black tech stock. Although 100 cards are standard for most Topps Star Wars sets, this will provide a challenge to collectors as base cards fall at only two per box.

Refractor parallel inserts will figure prominentl­y in Topps Chrome Black Star Wars cards. Basic refractors, and Green, Blue, Gold, Orange, Magenta, Red, and Superfract­ors will be randomly inserted in packs. Numbered refractors range from the basic refractor at 199 down to the sought after 1/1 Superfract­or. Base parallel refractors will fall one per hobby pack.

Autographs are treated to the Chrome Black experience. Four different autograph card formats will come one per hobby pack. Topps Chrome Black autographs, Topps Chrome Black B design autographs, Galactic Black autographs, and Dark Side autographs will be encased and fall one per hobby pack. As with the base set a range of color parallels will have varying odds including 1/1 Superfract­ors. Cases will contain 12 boxes and each box will have one pack of four cards with two base cards, an encased autograph, and one parallel refractor base card. The scheduled release date in this galaxy was October 28, 2022.

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