Northern Berks Patriot Item

Topton family creates free little library

Samacico’s help books conquer threat of technology so books may endure

- By Ethan Strause Brandywine Heights freshman

“Vincit qui patitur,” the Latin phrase, which means he who conquers endures, is from a book called, “The Infinite Sea” by Rick Yancey.

The Samacico’s in Topton are trying to help books conquer the threat of technology so that they may endure. They set up their own free library on Washington Street.

The word “book” is starting to phase people in a way of disgust. There’s an extensive amount of different things someone may question when it comes to books nowadays. Why buy a book when I can download it for free online? Why get a library card when I wouldn’t have to return it? If it’s once and done, what’s the point, it’ll just lay around.

The Samacico’s little library is the best answer to all these questions. You can still enjoy the feel of having a portable book filled with pages of creativity and plot twist that won’t just die in the middle of the best chapter and guess what? It’s absolutely free! There’s no library card for the library; the books are yours to keep. Then when done, return the book for someone else’s enjoyment or keep it; it’s up to you in the end.

If you have any books that you’re trying to get rid of don’t throw them out the Samacico’s are always looking for new additions to their fun quaint library. This can all go hand in and with the quote from the beginning, the Samacico’s see what technology is doing to the popularity of books. They are trying to help books conquer the threat of technology so that they may endure and continue to be and everyday item.

Quickly day by day things are becoming less adequate compared to certain types of technology. Newspapers are close to being eradicated from their glory not many years ago. This family sees this and hopes to retain the love for books that their family has for books. I held an interview with this family and asked them some questions of how this came to life, why, and who put the work into this project.

My First question to them was where it all started which DaRel Samacico was kind enough to answer, “We had seen a little free library in Georgia. It looked like a movie theater. We loved it so much and didn’t recall seeing any in our area, so we thought that would be something we could do over the summer.”

I then asked the eldest daughter of the family Sicily Samacico who did the intricate design of the library itself. She informed me that in terms of decorating and painting she did it herself. Sicily is currently a student at Brandywine Heights High School.

This little library can be found outside of the Samacico’s house on Washington Street across from the Topton doctor’s office. The end goal I was informed is to achieve other people enjoying books the way they do.

I asked the family whether or not people tend to use the library. The response I received was one I was not expecting, “At first we weren’t sure if people were using it. But then we came home from being away and noticed that there were new books in there, or there were gaping holes where books used to be. We started noticing people going to it.”

One last request from the mother of the family, DaRel Samacico, has told me that she wishes for the community to treat the library with care, for it is not a profession­al carpenter grade library; it is simply a DIY project that was done as a family to share a passion with the rest of us.

In the end I personally hope that anyone who reads this will visit this library, for Vincit qui patitur applies to not just us but books and so much more. Vincit Qui Patitur

 ?? SUBMITTED PHOTO - ETHAN STRAUSE ?? Sicily Samacico and her mother DaRel Samacico stand beside their little free library in Topton.
SUBMITTED PHOTO - ETHAN STRAUSE Sicily Samacico and her mother DaRel Samacico stand beside their little free library in Topton.

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