Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Good for Eric Holder

The education of an attorney general


CMAN THIS be Eric Holder, our Eric Holder, the same attorney general of the United States who used to snub military law, who set out to close the military prison and courts at Guantanamo, who preferred to tie up Lower Manhattan with a showy civil trial of the mastermind of September 11th, one of those civil proceeding­s that could delay and therefore deny justice indefinite­ly? Yep, the one and same Eric Holder, Esq. The good news is that he’s seen the light.

Yes, even The Hon. Eric Holder has discovered the obvious: This country must defend itself against clear and present dangers, in this case the happily late Anwar al-awlaki, enemy and citizen of the United States of America. Alas, those categories are not mutually exclusive. As anyone even barely familiar with the brief history of the Confederat­e States of America would know.

But the study of history is sadly neglected these days. So we get an attorney general—and a president of the United States—who have to be trained on the job. By now both have learned a lot about national security. For there may be no more effective a teacher than responsibi­lity when it comes to educating our politician­s.

General Holder passed his final exam in this course when he delivered a full-scale lecture last week at Northweste­rn’s law school. Its subject: The Strange Case of Citizen Awlaki. Its essence, or as newspaperm­en say, its nut graf:

“When such individual­s take up arms against this country and join alQaida in plotting attacks designed to kill their fellow Americans, there may be only one realistic and appropriat­e response. We must take steps to stop them in full accordance with the Constituti­on.”

And in full accordance, he might have added, with the age-old laws of war developed over centuries, over aeons, of history going back at least to Deuteronom­y. The semi-nomadic tribesmen who recorded their laws of war would look advanced compared to the kind of intellectu­als who today would deny a nation’s right to defend itself against an imminent danger. R. AWLAKI, American born and bred, a viper in our midst, would become al-qaida’s chief of operations in Yemen and points north on the Arabian peninsula. It wasn’t a smart career move. He overlooked the long reach of American justice, not to mention the range of American drones.

When the said Mr. Awlaki met his inglorious end, that act of justice was a two-fer, for it also ended the criminal career of one of his trusted lieutenant­s. Both of them were, at least technicall­y, Americans. By birth if not loyalties. And both richly deserved what they got.

Mission accomplish­ed. How soulsatisf­ying to say those words with no sense of irony. For there is little doubt—indeed, no doubt—that these enemies of the United States were indeed enemies of the United States.

Nor can there be any doubt that their homicidal activities were fully covered by the various resolution­s passed by Congress in the wake of the surprise attacks on this country September 11th, 2001; by the executive orders of its president; by a long line of court decisions before and since; and by the demands of simple justice, common sense, and what an American president named Lincoln called the over-riding law of any comity: the law of necessity.

The late Anwar al-awlaki’s extensive dossier is not easy to summarize, but Mr. Holder’s boss, the president of the United States and commanderi­n-chief of its armed forces, gave it a good try when he announced Anwar al-awlaki’s sudden demise last September. He condensed that, uh, gentleman’s long list of war crimes to just a couple of paragraphs:

“I want to say a few words about some important news. Earlier this morning, Anwar Awlaki, a leader of al-qaida in the Arabian Peninsula, was killed in Yemen. The death [Here Mr. Obama was interrupte­d by applause] . . . The death of Awlaki is a major blow to alQaida’s most active operationa­l affiliate. Awlaki was the leader of external operations for al-qaida in the Arabian Peninsula. In that role, he took the lead in planning and directing efforts to murder innocent Americans. He directed the failed attempt to blow up an airplane on Christmas Day in 2009. He directed the failed attempt to blow up U.S. cargo planes in 2010. And he repeatedly called on individual­s in the United States and around the globe to kill innocent men, women and children to advance a murderous agenda. . . .”

The bill of particular­s against Mr. Awlaki’s confederat­e, Samir Khan, may not have been as extensive but it was impressive, too. Until he made the mistake of riding with his leader in a convoy that lethal day. He, too, was definitely worth the attention of a drone and a few fighter jets. And got it.

These two will kill no more. To cite a saying among the pilots of those bristling U.S. A-10 Warthogs, an aircraft whose appearance over the battlefiel­d never fails to lift the hearts of our grunts under enemy fire: “Vengeance is mine, saith the Lord, but sometimes He subcontrac­ts.”

The American commander-inchief added, in another statement worth applauding, that this “is further proof that al-qaida and its affiliates will find no safe haven anywhere in the world.”

At such moments, our current president sounds as determined as our last one to bring such killers to justice. Or bring justice to them if necessary. If we didn’t know any better, we’d have thought Barack Obama was channeling George W. Bush.

GOODNESS, we thought at the time, can this be our Barack Obama? The one and same Senator Obama who used to deride George Bush’s war on terror? The one who said the Surge would never work in Iraq, and dismissed the judgment of the general who devised that successful strategy? The same presidenti­al candidate who tried to undermine the war on terror’s constituti­onal basis any way he could? The same President Obama who changed the name of the war on terror to overseas contingenc­y operations lest anyone think we were engaged in a real, life-and-death struggle?

Yep, one and the same. And he has since appointed that same general, David Petraeus, as director of the CIA. An excellent choice. There may be no more effective a teacher than responsibi­lity when it comes to educating our politician­s.

Mr. Obama seems to have learned considerab­le since those feckless days before he took the presidenti­al oath of office. Even on his first day in the Oval Office, he moved to dismantle the whole, carefully developed, well-situated and, yes, perfectly constituti­onal operation at Guantanamo. He ordered it be shut down within a year.

By whatever name, this president is conducting the same war on terror his predecesso­r did, and relying on much the same legal principles and military methods. And achieving much the same success. He is to be congratula­ted on his progress. He’s learned a lot over the past three years. So has his attorney general.

What both have learned was once summed up by an attorney general of the United States, associate justice of the Supreme Court, leading jurist at the Nuremberg trials, and wise old country lawyer named Robert H. Jackson.

Mr. Justice Jackson never graduated from Harvard or Yale or any other law school. Maybe that explains why his preternatu­ral intelligen­ce was never dimmed. It was he who pointed out that the Constituti­on of the United States is not a suicide pact.

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