Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Discipline is solution


Well, it’s happened again, another school shooting attributed to bullying. When are people ever going to learn? There are a lot of just plain cowards in schools today.

I had the same problem on my hands 30 years ago. I was always scared to death one of my students would kill somebody in the hall on the way to my art room. Every day I had tension headaches and had to lie down for an hour after school.

Then I read Dr. James Dobson’s beautifull­y written book, Dare to Discipline, and saw the light. On the first day of school I told all of my students, “If any of you harm another student in words or in actions, you will be spanked.” A discipline report would then be filled out and signed by a witness. The superinten­dent would also be notified and then the parents would be called. They all listened very carefully.

One little boy raised his hand and asked, “Miss Anderson, does this mean nobody is ever going to call me a nerd again?”

“Yes,” I said, and they all knew I meant it. At the end of class, that little boy got in line with his chest out and a gleam in his eye. I was surprised to have 100 percent cooperatio­n from the students, parents and the principal.

The atmosphere in my classroom quickly changed from constant tension to a welcome blossoming of brotherly love. Other teachers got their paddles in the very same week. ELIZABETH ANDERSON


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