Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

On border, a call for new strategies


SAN DIEGO — Under the watch of a Border Patrol agent, U.S. and Mexican pastors set up two small altars — one on each side of a towering border fence — for their Sunday service that spans two countries.

The priests then break bread simultaneo­usly and hold up their chalices to the tightly woven metal barrier. The guitar player is in Mexico, strumming a song led by clergy on the U.S. side. The buzzing of a passing Border Patrol officer on an all-terrain vehicle interrupts the music.

The religious service is one of myriad ways that life is seeping across the border post 9/ 11 as Congress considers spending billions on further fortificat­ion. Ranchers, deputies and lawmakers from border states have long pleaded for federal help, saying their areas are overrun by armed smugglers and people entering the U.S. illegally.

But today there is growing opposition along the nearly 2,000-mile boundary to more agents and fences. They include U.S. ministers, business leaders and mayors who say those measures have reached their maximum effectiven­ess.

The crackdown in the past decade should be applauded for bringing detentions of illegal crossers to historic lows — but ports of entry have been overlooked, said former El Paso Mayor John Cook, the director of the Border Mayors Associatio­n, representi­ng U.S. and Mexican mayors.

Hours- long waits and overtaxed officers have become the norm at crossings, costing the region billions by deterring Mexican shoppers and delaying U.S. shipments, border mayors say. They favor expanding “trusted traveler” programs that give passes to pre-vetted crossers, digital fingerprin­ting and other technology to make ports of entry more secure, though Congress hasn’t addressed those ideas.

“We don’t need more Border Patrol agents — we need more customs agents,” Cook said. “Basically, we have 20th century infrastruc­ture and for the most part, a 19th-century policy, trying to facilitate trade in the 21st century.”

A far-reaching bill passed by the Democratic-led Senate in June calls for an additional 20,000 Border Patrol agents, 700 miles of fencing and hightech detection devices. The proposed measures are tied to overhaulin­g laws to address illegal immigratio­n, including a path to citizenshi­p for some.

The Republican- controlled House favors tackling immigratio­n with single-issue bills — starting with border security. And Rep. Duncan Hunter, R-San Diego, said that long stretches of the border “remain dangerousl­y open” and need fences. No action is expected until late fall, at the earliest.

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