Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Pal’s remark raises hackles

- Chat online with Carolyn at 11 a.m. Central time each Friday at washington­ Write to Tell Me About It in care of The Washington Post, Style Plus, 1150 15th St. N.W., Washington, D.C. 20071; or email

DEAR CAROLYN: My best friend, who is also my roommate, sometimes makes comments to me such as, “You act so different around X group of friends,” even though there have been hardly a handful of times when we have all been in one room.

I have no idea what change in behavior she is referring to, but these comments really get to me. Whether they are true or not, I believe they are really petty and a reflection of her own personal crap she has going on. What are some ways I can respond?

— L. DEAR READER: You can respond humbly and open-mindedly, in a way that befits a “best” friendship, and without the acute defensiven­ess on display in your letter.

Maybe: “Huh — I’m not aware of any difference­s. What do you mean?” Or, “Do you have examples to help me understand?” Or even, “You know me so well — if you see something, that’s important.”

A “handful of times” is no small sample for her to work with, and “a reflection of her own personal crap” is no small accusation. Please put more value in the friendship right now than you do your ego, and have the courage to follow up on her comments with a wide-open mind.

DEAR CAROLYN: I’d love to get your opinion on a topic that frustrates me a bit: kid dominance. For instance, a friend who recently gave birth was talking [trash] about another girlfriend for having failed to acknowledg­e the birth of her child, and for having the audacity to invite her to a work event. Her words: “No one cares about her job, I mean, I just had a baby.”

As a woman who is not planning on having kids, this stung. My career apparently means nothing to my friend. Likely she was just hurt and hormonal, but do some parents really feel this way?

I’ve seen child-free folks called causes of social decay, selfish, nonadult, and so forth. I would think that child- abusers are those things, not those of us who opt out. By not having kids, I’m actually creating less competitio­n for my friends’ little ones. So what gives with the harsh judgment? Jealousy? Exhaustion? An inability to perceive that other people might have equally valid life choices? Sometimes, I just want to scream, “My reproducti­ve choices are none of your business, just as yours aren’t any of mine.”

I’m not even looking for a way to stop the intrusions and the insensitiv­e comments, because I know they won’t ever really go away. My current theory is that parents sign up for this change that dominates their entire life, and feel so much pressure that when they see glimpses of their former life embodied in friends without kids, they instinctiv­ely protect their choice over the freedom of not having dependents. I.e., their life is purposeful but tough, so mine is clearly easy and meaningles­s. — My Life Has Meaning,

Thanks DEAR READER: It could be that. It could also be that your friend is just a clod.

I’ve seen people with kids called causes of planetary decay, selfish, irresponsi­ble, “and so forth.” The contempt cuts both ways.

Actually, all ways: While raising kids forces more intense immersion in that life than most other choices do, I think if you step back a bit you’ll see that around every big, life-guiding choice there is a community of self-justificat­ion. You’ll see marrieds scoffing at singles and singles scoffing at marrieds; you’ll see conservati­ves scoffing at liberals and liberals scoffing at conservati­ves; you’ll see capitalist­s scoffing at wage-earners scoffing at the needy scoffing at capitalist­s, who all scoff at creatives, who scoff right back.

You’re absolutely right that the insensitiv­e comments won’t go away. However, I think you’ll see their volume plummet when you make a conscious decision to save most of your social time for people who are comfortabl­e with themselves and their choices. They tend to live and let live.

DEAR CAROLYN: My son, nieces, and other relatives, all of whom are college-educated, regularly begin a sentence with “Me ’n her” or “Me ’n him” rather than the grammatica­lly correct “She and I” or “He and I.” They are all wonderful people, but they sound ignorant. Should I correct them? If so, how? I don’t want to come across as a nag. At the same time, I do feel that their poor grammar reflects negatively on them personally and profession­ally.

— D. DEAR READER: Unless they’re really close or really young, you say nothing.

Among adults who are close, there’s a third option between correcting and not correcting: Talking. “I’ve wrestled with this lately,” you say. “When someone makes a blatant grammatica­l error, is it better to correct the person or shut up? I’d want you to correct me [ right?], but flipping that around feels obnoxious.”

For what it’s worth — look up “code- switching,” too. They may toe the grammatica­l line when their reputation­s are at stake.

 ??  ?? Washington Post Writers Group/NICK GALIFIANAK­IS
Washington Post Writers Group/NICK GALIFIANAK­IS

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