Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Kentucky clerk switching to GOP

Longtime Democrat leaves party over same-sex marriage


LOUISVILLE, Ky. — Kentucky clerk Kim Davis, a longtime Democrat, says she is switching to the Republican Party because she feels abandoned by Democrats in her opposition to same- sex marriage.

Davis made the announceme­nt while in Washington to attend the Family Research Council’s Value Voters Summit, said Charla Bansley, a spokesman for Liberty Counsel, which represents Davis in her legal battles.

“I’ve always been a Democrat, but the party left me,” Davis said, according to Bansley.

Davis was to address the conservati­ve group Friday night.

She sparked national news by refusing to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples after the Supreme Court effectivel­y legalized gay marriage in June. A federal judge ordered Davis to issue the licenses, but she refused, opting to spend five days in jail rather than license a gay marriage. The ordeal propelled her to folk-hero status among some opponents of same-sex marriage.

Davis was elected Rowan County clerk last fall as a Democrat. She replaced her mother, also a Democrat, who served as county clerk for 37 years.

But Republican­s, not Democrats, came to her defense.

Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, a Baptist preacher running for president, rushed to Davis’ side, visited her in jail and held a religious freedom rally on the jailhouse lawn. Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas also traveled to Kentucky to meet with her.

Davis meanwhile puts blame for her legal problems on Steve Beshear, the state’s Democratic governor, who refused to call the Kentucky Legislatur­e for a special session and allow lawmakers to hammer out a way to exempt religious clerks from issuing the licenses. The governor instead told clerks to either issue the licenses or resign.

When a Reuters reporter asked her in Washington on Friday about the support she’d received from the GOP, Davis revealed that she decided last week to switch her allegiance­s to the Republican ticket, her attorney, Mat Staver, wrote in a statement.

“However, the issue of religious freedom in this case is not a partisan issue,” Staver added. “It is neither Republican nor Democrat. It is an inalienabl­e right and what makes America the land of liberty.”

Davis declined an interview request from The Associated Press.

Davis was released from jail earlier this month on the condition that she not interfere with her deputies issuing the licenses. But her legal woes persist: On the day she returned to the office, Davis altered the license forms to delete her name and her office, and replaced it with the line “pursuant to federal court order.”

The American Civil Liberties Union, which sued her on behalf of the couples she turned away, questioned the validity of the licenses, asking the judge to order her to reissue them or consider punishing her again.

Democrats make up 65 percent of the county’s 14,000 registered voters, but Davis’ switch is not a huge surprise. The state’s Democrats have grown frustrated with the national party’s shift on social and environmen­tal issues, embracing gay marriage and abortion rights while acknowledg­ing climate change and supporting new emission standards for coal-fired power plants.

Registered Democrats still outnumber registered Republican­s in Kentucky. But since 2008, when Barack Obama was elected president, Republican­s have added 183,635 registered voters in Kentucky while Democrats have added 23,957.

While the state’s governor and five of its six statewide elected officers are Democrats, all but one of the state’s congressio­nal delegation are Republican­s, and a Democratic presidenti­al candidate has not won the state since Bill Clinton in 1996. The Kentucky state Senate is dominated by Republican­s, while Democrats are clinging to an eight-seat majority in the Kentucky House of Representa­tives.

Davis’ registrati­on has not yet been changed in the statewide voter registrati­on system, said Lynn Zellen, spokesman for the Kentucky secretary of state’s office. There is no special process for elected officials to change their affiliatio­n; she would simply file to run as a Republican come the next election, scheduled for 2018.

Davis, who made the rounds this week on television news programs to defend her actions and tout her religious conviction, was invited to the event hosted by the Family Research Council, a conservati­ve lobbying group, along with other “Christians who have been targeted for their religious beliefs on natural marriage.”

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