Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Allergy treatment tailored for the patient


For years, the sound of tractors revving up to cut hay behind her house sent Frances Darnell running inside. No working in the yard or sitting on the porch, her allergies were simply too bad.

“I was a prisoner in my own home,” she said. “My allergies left me sneezing and coughing. They led to sinus infections and bad headaches.”

This year has been different, as Darnell started receiving treatment for her allergies back in February at Renaissanc­e Health and Wellness.

“They cut the hay last month and it didn’t bother me at all. I was amazed. I do a lot of work at church and everybody’s noticed the difference. They say ‘you’re not having those sneezing fits like you used to anymore.’”

Darnell’s complaints are common ones for allergy sufferers. While temporary relief may be found in allergy pills and nasal sprays, long-term relief comes from attacking allergies at their source with an individual­ized treatment created specifical­ly for their patients.

“The goal of allergy injections is to desensitiz­e patients to whatever their trigger is so that their symptoms are greatly diminished,” said Renaissanc­e Health and Wellness allergy nurse Kelly Callahan. “One of the advantages to this approach is that the treatment is unique to the individual. We formulate their injections just for them.”

At Renaissanc­e Health and Wellness, a patient’s individual allergy triggers are determined before they leave their first visit. The process begins with a skin test that exposes the patient to small amounts of 48 allergens specific to the local area. These include pollen, weeds, molds, grasses and a few foods. It takes just about 20 minutes to identify what allergens are causing symptoms.

“Allergies are different from region to region. People who have never suffered from them in the past may have moved here and found they’re allergic to something commonly found in Arkansas or Oklahoma,” Callahan said. “Other patients may have just put up with their symptoms for years. This treatment can provide the answers they’ve been looking for.”

Treatments usually consist of one- to- two clinic visits a week to receive injections. It takes anywhere from a few months to two years to reach maximum effectiven­ess but symptom relief generally begins quickly.

“It’s helped me so much, you would not believe the difference,” Darnell said. “By this time in the year I would have been on antibiotic­s at least three times already. It’s definitely been worth the time and effort.”

Allergy injections are covered by most insurance carriers. Those seeking relief can contact Renaissanc­e Health and Wellness at 866598- 1998 or renihealth. com/ allergies to find the solution to allergy issues.

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