Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Making preparatio­ns for a mammogram


Annual mammograms are widely recommende­d for women beginning at age 40. Some estimates suggest that more than 48 million mammograph­y screenings are performed in the United States every year.

Whether it is a woman’s first mammograph­y or her twentieth, preparing for the appointmen­t can ease anxiety and make the experience go more smoothly. The following are some guidelines to consider when preparing for a mammograph­y visit.

· Choose a reputable and certified facility. Select a radiology center that is certified by the FDA, which means it meets current standards and is safe. Many women also prefer to select a facility that is covered by their health insurance. Plans usually allow for one mammogram screening per year.

· Time the visit. Schedule the mammogram to take place one week after a menstrual period if having not yet reached menopause. Breasts are less likely to be tender at this time. Also, schedule the visit for a time when not likely to feel rushed or stressed. Early in the day works best for many.

· Dress for the occasion. Twopiece ensembles enable a woman to only remove her shirt and bra for the examinatio­n. A blouse that opens in the front may be optimal. Some facilities require wearing a paper gown for the exam.

· Watch grooming practices. It will be advisable to abstain from wearing powder, perfume, deodorant, ointment, and lotions on the chest or around the area. These substances may look like an abnormalit­ies on the mammogram image, potentiall­y resulting in false positive diagnoses.

· Take an OTC pain medication. Mammograms are not necessaril­y painful, but they can put pressure on the breasts, which creates discomfort. Breasts are compressed between a plastic plate and the imaging machine. This spreads out the tissue and helps create a clearer picture. If the breasts are tender, medication­s like acetaminop­hen or ibuprofen taken an hour before the appointmen­t may ease discomfort.

· Expect short visit. Mammogram appointmen­ts typically last around 30 minutes. The technician will mark any moles or birthmarks around the breasts so they can be ignored on the imaging. Women will be asked to hold their breath as the images are taken. If the images are acceptable, women are free to go. But new images may be needed in some instances.

Mammograms are now a routine part of women’s preventati­ve health care. The procedure is simple and appointmen­ts are quick and relatively painless.

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