Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette



Here are a selection of comments from the message boards at hawgsillus­ following Arkansas’ 35-24 loss to Texas Tech:

On offensive coordinato­r Dan Enos ….

JJHOG18 wrote: Replace Enos! It’s just not working out. Not saying he’s a bad play caller but the guy just doesn’t fit our scheme!

Chazlr wrote: He didn’t score 35

points for TT.

ClayHenry wrote: Gosh, a little soon to pull the plug there, right? It’s an overreacti­on for sure. But that’s the norm these days. Three games and you are gone, right? Never mind that he’s lost five players to injuries — Jonathan Williams, Kody Walker, Keon Hatcher, Cody Hollister and Jared Cornelius. They’ll get better, if they can keep the same guys on the field for awhile.

On preseason prediction­s ….

Rocketcity­hog wrote: Shame on you, Clay Henry. Nine wins? I depend on your expertise and insider info.

The Notorious PIG wrote: Get a life. Elvis Hog wrote: Seriously? Totally uncalled for and ridiculous post.

Rocketcity­hog wrote: Geez guys, this was supposed to be a joke! … Made this post after a few beers … Seemed funny at the time.

The Notorious PIG wrote: My apologies. I totally missed it. I just can’t laugh much these days.

Regarding the war of words between Bret Bielema and Texas Tech coach Kliff Kingsbury …

Dirty Hog1 wrote: I think Kingsbury is trying to put his name in the ring for the UT job if (Charlie) Strong leaves. That kid will be long out of coaching before Coach B is gone. What a little punk!

Babo1 wrote: And if he had not found (QB Patrick) Mahomes somewhere, he would have got another beating.

JHenry wrote: Mahomes didn’t just fall off a truck on a trip through Lubbock. He was a four-star, all-state QB from Whitehouse, Texas, a suburb of Tyler. I understand your frustratio­n but you have to give the coach and his player a little credit.

Porcinepro­f wrote: Won’t be the last time (Bielema) tangles with a Johnny-come-lately head coach.

Regarding the SEC West race …. Jhawg wrote: My worst nightmare has come true. Ole Miss is good and we are bad.

Bj4hogs wrote: Yeah, they looked good the other night, but I am still thinking they end up the same “Ole Sis” by the end of the year. At least that is what I need to believe right now.

On Toledo’s next game ….

HarleyHawg­idson wrote: Gotta be a Toledo fan this Saturday. They play the Red Wolves. Can you imagine the crap the Hogs will get from Northeast Arkansas if they beat Toledo?

JacksonRei­d wrote: Sad state of affairs when a team starts in the Top 20 and three weeks later its fans are stressed that little brother might beat the little brother that just slapped their team around.

On Arkansas’ quarterbac­k situation …

Hogmodo wrote: My father thinks we should be playing (Rafe) Peavey or (Ty) Story (from Charleston High School) since Auburn is starting a freshman this week …. I argued that our system is not a simple high school system where the coaches with sign boards call all of the audibles …

Hog Freckles wrote: None of us know what we have in Peavey or Storey because we’ve never seen them.

DudleyD wrote: Ty is not ready … It is a big step from playing Ozark to playing Alabama. He has great potential, but he is simply not ready … As for Rafe, he is closer to being ready, but is clearly third … If there was a change at quarterbac­k — and I certainly don’t think there needs to be one — it would be Austin Allen, who would be criticized simply because of his name.

63Rzrbk wrote: Funny how fans always think that the best player on the team is the backup QB.

jimbeau wrote: Watch out, Dudley. I’m from Ozark and we use to beat Charleston regularly, waaaaay back in the day ….

Prediction­s for the ArkansasTe­xas A&M game ….

Joehogwild wrote: Arkansas 31,

A$M 30.

buckhog wrote: The Saggies have already started printing National Championsh­ip t-shirts. This would be the perfect remedy for the Hogs. Hogs 42, Saggies 27.

ballhawg wrote: 31-28 Hawgs!

Just because.

Scotthog71 wrote: I’ll have some of what you guys are drinking — 28-27, Hogs?

JacksonRei­d wrote: 45-24 Aggies. They have recruited very well and have a great young QB. Tough sledding for the Hogs.

youdaman wrote: 38-27 TAMU … don’t think we can outscore them with most of our wide receivers out. Hope I’m wrong.

 ?? PHOTO BY MICHAEL WOODS ?? Drew Morgan celebrates after he scored a touchdown in the second quarter against Texas Tech.
PHOTO BY MICHAEL WOODS Drew Morgan celebrates after he scored a touchdown in the second quarter against Texas Tech.

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