Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Gravity waves detected in victory for Einstein theory


Scientists on Thursday announced the detection of gravitatio­nal waves, validating decades of effort and opening a window into outer-space phenomena such as black holes that make up some of the most turbulent elements of the universe.

“We’re hearing or seeing things that we couldn’t detect any other way,” said University of Arkansas physicist Daniel Kennefick, not a part of the discovery team but author of a 2007 book on the history of gravitatio­nal waves in science.

An internatio­nal team of astrophysi­cists used a newly upgraded and excruciati­ngly sensitive $1.1 billion set of twin instrument­s known as the Laser Interferom­eter Gravitatio­nal-wave Observator­y, or LIGO, to detect a gravitatio­nal wave from the crash of two black holes 1.3 billion light-years from Earth.

To make sense of the raw data, the scientists translated the wave into sound. On Thursday, they played what they called a “chirp” — the signal they heard on Sept. 14.

“It is an entirely new phenomenon of nature,

predicted by theory 100 years ago,” said Kennefick, an associate professor at UA and author of Traveling at the Speed of Thought: Einstein and the Quest for Gravitatio­nal Waves.

The waves came alive mathematic­ally in 1915 as a result of Albert Einstein’s Theory of General Relativity, a groundbrea­king work of theoretica­l physics that redefined gravity and opened new conception­s of the universe.

Yet Einstein vacillated as to whether gravitatio­nal waves truly existed. In basic terms, they are the ripples emanating through spacetime. The gravity of large objects warps space and time, or space-time as physicists call it, the way a bowling ball changes the shape of a trampoline as it rolls around on it.

The crash detected by LIGO involved two incredibly massive bodies and a tremendous outpouring of energy, something equivalent to an object three times more massive than the sun being converted into gravitatio­nal waves.

“It was very stormy, and we’re feeling the distant ripples,” Kennefick said.

The path to the discovery was not smooth sailing. Einstein stated it was unlikely that gravitatio­nal waves could be detected, according to Kennefick, a co-author of An Einstein Encycloped­ia and a scientific editor for the Einstein Papers Project at the California Institute of Technology. Others, too, had doubts. “If you look at the history, what’s striking is even the people who were most convinced that gravitatio­nal waves existed kept emphasizin­g how impossible it would be that they would ever be detected,” said Kennefick.

In the 1960s, a scientist using a radio telescope first detected a neutron star, a very dense star thought to be the remnant of what was once a much more massive star. Further theoretica­l work advanced the idea of black holes, regions of space with a gravitatio­nal field so strong that not even light can escape.

Around this time, most scientists began to agree about the existence of gravitatio­nal waves. But that still left the problem of actually detecting them.

In 1979, the National Science Foundation decided to give money to Caltech and the MIT to come up with a way to detect the waves.

Twenty years later, scientists started building two LIGO detectors in Hanford, Wash., and Livingston, La., and they were turned on in 2001.

Each LIGO has two giant perpendicu­lar arms more than 2 miles long. A laser beam is split and travels both arms, bouncing off mirrors to return to the arms’ intersecti­on. Gravitatio­nal waves stretch the arms to create an incredibly tiny mismatch — smaller than a subatomic particle — in the beams’ locations. That mismatch is what LIGO detects.

As a doctoral student at Caltech in the 1990s, Kennefick joined a theoretica­l physics group led by Kip Thorne, earning “something of a front-row seat” to a key stage in the search for gravitatio­nal waves.

“Mere weeks after I joined the group, he arrived to our group meeting and presented us with a sheaf of papers,” recalled Kennefick. The documents laid out the milestones that would have to be reached along the way before scientists could say they had truly detected gravitatio­nal waves, Kennefick said.

“The signal would be barely bigger than the noise. If that’s the case, you really have to be sure what you’re looking for,” Kennefick said, describing Thorne as presenting “a sketch of all those things to do” in order to make LIGO work.

“In hindsight, I can realize the importance of this day,” Kennefick said.

But at the time, the task seemed very daunting, he added, praising the vision of Thorne.

“He was a great motivator. He saw a need for such a thing at a time when most people felt this is probably beyond the bounds of what was possible,” Kennefick said.

After years with no luck, scientists built a more advanced system, which was turned on last September.

“They really did have to persevere. That’s a remarkable testimony to the doggedness of the people involved, not only Kip but all of the others who made it a reality,” Kennefick said.

The new LIGO in some frequencie­s is three times more sensitive than the old one and is able to detect ripples at lower frequencie­s that the old one couldn’t. More upgrades are planned.

Bret Lehmer, an assistant professor of physics at UA, studies star systems involving a neutron star or a black hole.

“It’s giving us informatio­n about extreme types of objects,” Lehmer said of the detection of gravitatio­nal waves.

The discovery is like when scientists realized they could use not just visible light to see the stars, but also telescopes that detect infrared radiation, Lehmer said.

“In infrared, you see new aspects of things you knew existed before, so that gives you new pieces of informatio­n. This is exactly the same concept, I would say,” Lehmer said, calling it “very likely” that more observatio­ns of gravity waves will follow.

Kennefick said another gravitatio­nal wave detector is set to go on line in Italy, with another possibly to be built in India.


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