Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette


- BILLY GRAHAM Write to Billy Graham in care of Billy Graham Evangelist­ic Associatio­n, 1 Billy Graham Parkway, Charlotte, N.C. 28201 or visit the website at billygraha­

DEAR REV. GRAHAM: I go to church mainly because I’ve always gone and it’s kind of a habit, but to be honest I don’t get much out of it. Why should I bother? Why shouldn’t I just stop going, instead of wasting my time?

— V.G. DEAR V.G.: If these were your only choices — wasting your time or doing something else — then I can understand why you’d be tempted to quit going to church.

But you have a third choice, and that is to start getting something out of your time in church. After all, God doesn’t like a dull church service any more than you do. When God’s people come together, it ought to be a time of joy and worship as we focus on God. It also ought to be a time of learning, discoverin­g from God’s Word who He is and what He wants us to do. It should be a time as well of growing friendship­s and mutual encouragem­ent. The Bible says, “Let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together” (Hebrews 10:24-25).

How can this happen in your life? First, make sure of your personal commitment to Jesus Christ. If you have never invited Him into your life, do so today, for without Him, church will never be everything it should be. Then pray before every service, asking God to speak to you and turn your heart and mind toward Him.

In addition, ask God to show you ways you can get more involved in your church — a small group Bible study, a service project, the choir, etc. If these aren’t possible in your church, ask Him to lead you to one where you’ll grow spirituall­y and become part of what God is doing in the world.

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