Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette


- Send a money- or time-saving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, Texas 78279-5000; fax to (210) 435-6473; or email

DEAR READERS: We wrote a column encouragin­g readers to get out there and try something new. A reader wrote in with this response: “I wanted to share my story of learning something new.

“Our granddaugh­ter wanted a pair of crocheted slippers. I thought, ‘Why not learn how to do it?’ So I took lessons, and lo and behold, the slippers are a hit!

“I’m not saying it was easy, but now I love crocheting! Just to encourage others, don’t say, ‘No.’ Give something new a try!”

— Corrinne B., via email Your letter may be just the boost for others to try their hand at something new. The internet is a great place to learn new skills, too. Just search the internet for “how to” videos. There’s usually someone out there who knows exactly how to do what you are trying to learn. Happy crocheting!

DEAR READERS: Last week I shared some hints to consider when attending theme parks. While those hints are universal, here are some very specific hints to consider when little ones are in tow:

Take time to read/discuss the general park rules as they pertain to kids.

Follow the specific guidelines for rides. It’s a safety issue.

Give children a heads-up on specific rides, especially if it might make them sick or scared.

Don’t force a child to try a ride he or she fears.

Children must always be supervised by an adult, even if he or she is the only one wanting to ride a specific ride. Work through a solution that’s good for everyone.

It’s easy to get separated, so establish a meeting place and tell the children to stay put until you’re all together again.

DEAR HELOISE: Here’s a hint for those “free” address labels and tablets that come in the mail. I put them in my suitcase, and when I visit our grandsons, they have a ball putting on the stickers and drawing on the tablets. It’s an instant party.

I include small packs of crayons and scissors, and you would not believe the hours of entertainm­ent they’ve provided, especially in the morning hours when I’m up and their parents are still asleep, and the grandkids want to do something fun.

— Corrinne B., Universal City, Texas

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