Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Difficult, clear choice


Say what you will about Hillary Clinton’s politics, but let’s address some facts. For over two decades Republican­s have expended tremendous amounts of time, energy, and resources trying to bring down the Clintons. They have yet to succeed. I’m making no claims of guilt or innocence regarding accusation­s made against Hillary Clinton. I’m simply pointing out the fact that some have made a career of demonizing the Clintons through unsuccessf­ul efforts at proving criminal activity on their part. Regardless of one’s opinion, U.S. citizens are “innocent until proven guilty.”

Comment all you want regarding Donald Trump’s politics, which is not an easy thing to do considerin­g how often his politics change, but let’s look at some more facts. Donald Trump is on record making racist and xenophobic comments and insulting comments toward women and the military. Trump has a recorded history of failed businesses and bankruptci­es. Trump has been married three times and admitted to infidelity. Yes, I know what Bill did, but Hillary’s the one running for president. The point is that Trump has a proven record of less than moral conduct, while Hillary has nothing more than accusation­s from an opposing political party.

Never before have two candidates for president in this country been so disliked. However, of the two candidates presented, there is a clear choice. For many the choice may be difficult, but clear none the less. We can have the antagonist­ic, blowhard, bullying, ridiculous­ly clown-like reality show star with a proven record of immorality and no record of political leadership, or we can have the candidate who certainly comes with her share of controvers­ies, but has a proven record of public service in an array of capacities. You don’t have to be a Democrat or Republican to see the difference. You just have to be a reasonable person.


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