Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Won’t let nation down


Though it is not for me to judge whether a person is a Christian, especially in the heat of a political contest, I do turn to scripture as I consider the character of candidates for office.

I recall a line from a great old hymn we sing occasional­ly at my church, Little Rock’s First United Methodist, where Hillary Clinton and daughter Chelsea were faithful members for years: “We are one in the Spirit, we are one in the Lord … and they will know we are Christians by our love, by our love … and we’ll guard each man’s dignity and save each man’s pride.”

Of the two major-party candidates for president of our great United States of America, I find only Hillary meets this standard of consistent­ly showing love for others and respecting their dignity and pride.

No person is perfect and neither candidate is perfect, but she clearly lives out her Christian values in her personal behavior, her commitment to marriage and family, and in the causes for which she has devoted her entire life, both personally and profession­ally. To note a few: advocating for services to children and families, promoting dignity in attitudes toward and services for the poor, the disabled, the elderly, and the imprisoned, all of whom Jesus called us to love and to serve in His name.

I ask your prayerful considerat­ion of casting your vote for Hillary for president in November. She will not let our country down! PAT LILE Little Rock

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