Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

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Turkey’s state-run news agency says American actress Lindsay Lohan has visited Syrian refugees at an Istanbul hospital and the home of a refugee family from Aleppo. The Anadolu agency reported Monday that the 30-year-old actress was accompanie­d by Turkey’s youth and sports deputy minister, Abdurrahim Boynukalin. Boynukalin says media were not told about Lohan’s visit ahead of time to avoid creating a spectacle and he didn’t specify when it took place. He said, “The important thing is that a Hollywood star take this matter seriously and bring it to the world stage.” Boynukalin says the star of such films as Mean Girls and Freaky Friday was moved by the hospital, which employs only Syrian doctors and treats refugees, and offered to volunteer there. Lohan also gave gifts to the refugee family.

Prince George and Princess Charlotte stayed behind with their nanny as Britain’s Prince William and his wife, Kate, continued their tour of British Columbia a day after George left Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau hanging on a high-five. The 3-year-old George made headlines in the United Kingdom when he, seemingly shy and overwhelme­d, declined to high-five and then shake the hand of Trudeau during the arrival ceremony Saturday at the airport in Victoria, B.C. The Daily Mail’s story used the headline “Sorry, one doesn’t high-five with commoners” to describe the exchange. The prime minister was among several dignitarie­s waiting on the tarmac to greet the royals when they emerged from their flight. Videos and photos of the interactio­n were shared widely by British media. The Mirror wrote: “Superstar politician Mr. Trudeau might have endeared himself to millions online through his outspoken feminism, support for diversity and willingnes­s to embrace internet memes, but it seems to take more than that to impress Will and Kate’s eldest.” The kids are remaining in Victoria as their parents visit other parts of British Columbia and western Canada until Oct. 1 on their first official overseas trip as a family of four. Charlotte, 1, is on her first overseas trip. George is on his second. Trudeau and his wife, Sophie Gregoire Trudeau, later met the royal couple outside the Immigrant Services Society’s new Welcome House. William asked a refugee from Afghanista­n about how the society had helped him, and the refugee replied that it helped him get into a technology course so he could learn new skills.

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