Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Democrats prod No. 2 AG pick

They urge appointmen­t of special counsel for Russia probe


WASHINGTON — Democrats pushed Tuesday for a special prosecutor to examine the Trump administra­tion’s potential ties to Russia, using a confirmati­on hearing to urge the No. 2 pick at the Justice Department to consider handing over any such investigat­ion to an independen­t overseer.

“We need steel spines, not weak knees, when it comes to political independen­ce in the Department of Justice,” said Sen. Dianne Feinstein of California, the Senate Judiciary Committee’s top Democrat.

The remarks came during a hearing for Rod Rosenstein, a longtime federal prosecutor tapped for deputy attorney general.

As deputy, Rosenstein would assume oversight of a federal investigat­ion into Russian influence after the recusal last week of Attorney General Jeff Sessions, who said he would step aside from any probes into the Trump campaign after revelation­s of unreported contacts with the Russian ambassador last year.

Though repeatedly pressed by Democrats, Rosenstein would not commit to appointing a special prosecutor and said he was unaware of a basis to do so at the moment.

During hours of questionin­g, Rosenstein said he had no direct knowledge of any Russia-related investigat­ion and that he had not read the intelligen­ce community’s formal assessment that Russia interfered during the campaign on behalf of President Donald Trump. That review, from the country’s intelligen­ce agencies, concluded in January that Russian intelligen­ce agencies were behind the hack of Democratic National Committee networks and had worked to harm Hillary Clinton’s chances of election.

He promised to handle that investigat­ion like any other if evidence of criminal wrongdoing emerged.

“I don’t know the details of what, if any, investigat­ion is ongoing, but I can certainly assure you, if it’s America against Russia or America against any other country I think everyone in this room knows which side I’m on,” Rosenstein said.

That commitment was not enough for some Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee.

Sen. Richard Blumenthal said he could not support Rosenstein’s nomination — despite his apolitical reputation and service as a U.S. attorney under presidenti­al administra­tions of both parties — unless Rosenstein could commit to recusing himself and appointing what some have taken to calling a special prosecutor, though special counsel is the correct title.

“I say so with some sadness and regret because of my respect for you, but this issue of principle is so profoundly important. Only you — only you — have the power to appoint a special prosecutor,” said Blumenthal, D-Conn.

He added, “We are in an extraordin­ary time, careening toward a constituti­onal crisis with the intelligen­ce agencies in complete agreement that the Russians launched a massive attack on our democracy.”

The committee chairman, Sen. Charles Grassley, R-Iowa, said such calls were premature and that the appointmen­t of a special counsel was not the best way to ensure transparen­cy.

“There is no mandatory public report or other finding at the end of the investigat­ion if no charges are filed. The investigat­ions can just disappear into a black hole without the public ever understand­ing what the facts were,” Grassley said.

Rosenstein passed up opportunit­ies to criticize Trump for his unsubstant­iated assertions on Twitter that President Barack Obama had ordered his phones tapped during the campaign, though Rosenstein did say that any such action would have to be done through a court order and with ample probable cause.

Asked about any of his own contacts with Russian officials, Rosenstein said he had not knowingly had any such interactio­ns, though he did acknowledg­e that as U.S. attorney, he has had meetings with visiting lawyers from abroad.

“Over the course of my career from time to time, I have spoken to groups of visiting lawyers and judges from foreign countries,” Rosenstein said. “It’s certainly possible there may have been Russian officials there. But I don’t recall any such meetings, no.”

The deputy attorney general is responsibl­e for day-today operations and oversight of the Justice Department’s law enforcemen­t component agencies such as the FBI.

Rosenstein has served as U.S. attorney for Maryland since 2005, having been appointed by President George W. Bush and then serving for the duration of the Obama administra­tion.

 ?? AP/J. SCOTT APPLEWHITE ?? Deputy Attorney General-designate Rod Rosenstein listens Tuesday on Capitol Hill during his confirmati­on hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee.
AP/J. SCOTT APPLEWHITE Deputy Attorney General-designate Rod Rosenstein listens Tuesday on Capitol Hill during his confirmati­on hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee.

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