Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Keep records public


Until recently, online records for United States Department of Agricultur­e-licensed dog breeders were available to the public. This informatio­n, public and paid for by taxpayers, helps consumers find out more about commercial dog breeders, horse trainers and owners, roadside zoos, and similar informatio­n.

In January, these records were no longer available online. The Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) relies on these records that contain informatio­n for approximat­ely 9,000 animal facilities. Instead of having immediate online access, the HSUS will be required to submit Freedom of Informatio­n Act requests to the USDA, which may take weeks or months to process.

Pet stores selling puppies will have a difficult, if not impossible, time complying with laws requiring them to know where the puppies came from. This means puppy-mill operators will be “under the radar” and the USDA won’t be maintainin­g any records about them.

The USDA says its decision to take down the records is “not final.” Some annual reports have been restored, but this represents a fraction of the informatio­n once available. Records for most dog breeders and for all horse trainers remain hidden.

If you care anything about animals, please contact your U.S. representa­tives and senators to ask them to have the USDA restore all animal-welfare inspection reports and records. To accept this as it now stands is unconscion­able.



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