Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Trump’s perfect storm


I believe the election of Donald Trump has caused the perfect storm, and just in time to prevent the finalizati­on of America’s irreversib­le slide into the slavery of socialism. America has been on this slippery slope for several decades.

I think the Democrats and the Republican­s have both been pushing us further toward socialism; the only difference I see is that liberal Democrats are impatient in their efforts to get us there much faster than the liberal Republican­s want to.

If the socialist elements in both political parties, along with those in the mass media, education and entertainm­ent industries had their way, the USA would today be on the final leg of becoming the United Socialist States of America, and joining into what Europe is becoming. It seems the socialist persuasion would like to see a one-world government, with no borders, with all marching together in lock-step (or else).

Although not part of the “profession­al” political establishm­ent, Trump was selected by the people as suiting them best, in lieu of the many other nominees. I think the difference between the objectives of President Trump and that of the socialist left is indeed like two powerful storms clashing together. What remains after they clash will ultimately be determined by “we the people” and our vigilance to maintain our freedoms and hard-won independen­ce as a sovereign nation.


Thankful for Merkel

Madam Chancellor Angela Merkel, thank you for speaking out about the U.S. president. I am thankful that Germany has a leader who is intelligen­t, capable, and caring. Yes, please, don’t rely on the United States right now because, in my opinion, we have voted into that office the most ignorant, ill-prepared, and unsuitable president that I have seen in my lifetime. You are now the leader of the free world. We here must now rely on you.

Your country not only survived your dictator, but over the last 70 years has risen above your terrible past. I have hopes that our country can do the same.

Before anyone mistakes me for a traitor, I was born in Arkansas and I love my state and country. I haven’t always agreed with the actions of my government, but I felt that we supplied that beacon of freedom as proof that it can be done. I am sick at heart at the situation we are in for the next four years. But, like Germany, we have a chance to self-correct and we must start with the elections in 2018 and 2020. ALICE RANSOM Searcy

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