Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Fasting, charity, critique

Muslims celebrate Ramadan, when God sent down Quran


Ramadan — the month of fasting in Islam — is highly anticipate­d by a vast majority of Muslims throughout the world. Even though during this month Muslims are expected to put themselves through hardship — like a boot camp for spiritual fitness — most welcome the month with open arms. This month provides an opportunit­y for them to work together with the whole community to attain a higher moral standing for themselves and their communitie­s, to shun materialis­m and the base desires that go with it and to attain nearness to God in a state of submission and bliss.

The Holy Quran claims to be the ultimate guidance for mankind, in that, if one follows the instructio­ns provided in it of one’s own volition, the soul within is quickened, never to die again, thereby attaining the purpose of life — salvation. What is salvation? It is to become at one with God, i.e., becoming a true reflection of his attributes. The Holy Quran says:

Be colored with the attributes of Allah, for none is better than Allah in these attributes? — Holy Quran 2:139 And the mother of all the attributes of Allah is his grace and mercy. Allah says in the Quran: My mercy encompasse­s everything …

— Holy Quran 7:157 Although the Holy Quran was revealed piecemeal throughout the Prophet’s ministry, its revelation commenced during the month of Ramadan. And every year in Ramadan, Archangel Gabriel rehearsed the whole of the (until-then revealed) Quran to him. God says in the Holy Quran:

The month of Ramadan is that in which the Quran was sent down — a guidance for mankind with clear proofs and discernmen­t.

— Holy Quran 2:186 This month, thus, provides Muslims the much-needed opportunit­y to ratchet up their efforts to practice the guidance contained in the Quran and to eventually become true reflection­s of the gracious and merciful God in this world.

All able-bodied Muslims — male and female — are expected to fast for 29 or 30 days of the lunar month, abstaining totally from dawn to dusk, for the sake of God, from any kind of food or drink and bad language. One is to abstain particular­ly from lying, backbiting and slandering others. One is expected to control one’s anger and all other inclinatio­ns of the base self within him. Fasting cleanses the body of various toxins and improves physical health to bestow longevity. A clean body is a better repository for the soul to take root and to grow to its full potential. Prophet Muhammad (Peace be on him.) emphasized cleanlines­s of the body to the extent that he said, “Cleanlines­s is half of faith” — the other half being the cultivatio­n of the soul that resides within.

As the body is stressed through curtailmen­t of physical nourishmen­t, we are asked to increase the spiritual intake during this month through supereroga­tory prayers — especially at night, to recite the Holy Quran to complete at least one reading of the entire Quran during the month and to remember (with mindful meditation) Allah throughout the day. Prayers become more passionate and full of pathos when the body hurts. Moreover, we are more inclined to feel empathy with those who suffer hunger every day. All deeds performed under such realizatio­n are termed Ihsan, meaning deeds that are characteri­zed by the colors of grace and mercy of God.

Charity is a hallmark of Islam. Islam does prescribe a fraction (2.5 percent) to be collected from the wellto-do for distributi­on to the poor and the needy. This is called Zakah, the third of the five main tenets of Islam. However, the entire Holy

Quran is replete with verses that encourage Muslims to spend on the less fortunate, out of what Allah has given them, to receive the pleasure of Allah. Excellent Muslims, the Quran tells us, are the ones who, despite their own needs, spend on others for the sake of God. This month of fasting is particular­ly cited by the Holy Prophet (Peace be on him.) as dedicated to doing things to

please God. He himself set a very high bar for all Muslims to emulate during this month. His grace seemed limitless. The Prophet assured Muslims, that whoever observes fasting during Ramadan in a state of faith, while also critically self-examining his own shortcomin­gs with a determinat­ion to remove them — all his previous sins will be forgiven.

The last 10 days of the

month are particular­ly dedicated to even higher levels of worship, service to humanity and critical self-examinatio­n. Many Muslims retire into seclusion — whether in a mosque or at home — for 10 days away from their worldly affairs, symbolical­ly shunning the world for the sake of their beloved God. Angels descend on his sincere servants, reassuring them of

peace from on high in all their affairs.

In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful.

Surely, We sent it (the Quran) down on the Night of Destiny.

And what should make thee know what the Night of Destiny is?

The Night of Destiny is better than a thousand months.

Therein descend angels

and the Spirit by the command of their Lord — with every matter.

It is all peace till the rising of the dawn.

— Holy Quran 97: 1-6

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