Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Canada adjusts


Foreign Minister Chrystia Freeland didn’t mention Donald Trump by name as she set out the Trudeau government’s foreign policy priorities on Tuesday.

She didn’t have to. Canada, like the rest of the world, is scrambling to figure out how to deal with Trump’s relentless “America First” agenda, and Freeland gave a strong, positive answer. The response, she said, must be to reaffirm our long-standing commitment to upholding the internatio­nal order. If the United States steps back, we and others must step up.

This is right as far as it goes, and it will resonate both with Canadians and others worried to see the United States, in Freeland’s words, “shrug off the burden of world leadership,” most recently in Trump’s misguided decision to pull out of the Paris Accord on climate change.

The risk for a so-called “middle power” like Canada, as Freeland pointed out, is that the rule-based system constructe­d in the aftermath of the Second World War will fray if its traditiona­l champion turns inward. Other, less scrupulous powers, like China and Russia, will rush to fill the vacuum of leadership. In a might-makes-right world, the smaller fry (including Canada) will inevitably be more vulnerable.

So Freeland is unquestion­ably right to underline the often-overlooked benefits for Canada of an “internatio­nal order based on rules” (including global trade organizati­ons, the United Nations, NATO and the rest). The United States under Trump may be turning its back, but it’s to Canada’s advantage to encourage others to join in upholding our shared values. Trump, after all, won’t be there forever.

Talk, however, is cheap. And Canada’s commitment will be measured not just in words but also in deeds and dollars.

[Freeland] promised the government intends to make a “substantia­l investment” in Canada’s military, something that is badly overdue after years of embarrassi­ng delays in procuring big-ticket items like modern naval ships and fighter aircraft.

That type of equipment allows Canada to back up its soft power talk with hard power action, at the right times and in the right places. Trump has been badgering Washington’s NATO allies to increase their military spending, and there is some truth in what he says. Others should not be perpetual free riders on the American dime. If that’s all we do, Freeland noted, we risk becoming a mere “client state” of the United States. Independen­ce in world affairs doesn’t come for free.

On a shorter-term note, the government should finally spell out what it intends to do in the area of peace operations. It put a potential mission to Africa on hold after the Trump victory, and it’s high time to clarify those plans.

Just as important, Canada needs to step up its game in foreign aid.

Freeland also defended free trade at a time when the concept is under attack from both right and left. Canada has always been a trading nation and it stands to be a big loser if the rest of the world follows Trump’s lead and retreats behind their borders.

But she also made the vital point that the real issue is domestic policy. It’s up to each country to make sure that the prosperity generated by trade and growth is widely shared.

If it isn’t, as we have seen too many times in the recent past, ordinary people will justifiabl­y turn against the internatio­nal system itself and back politician­s like Trump who play on their worst instincts.

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