Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette



“We are not winning in Afghanista­n right now. And we will correct this as soon as possible.” James Mattis,

the U.S. defense secretary, promising the Senate Armed Services Committee the Pentagon is working on a new strategy for the 16-year-old war in Afghanista­n

WASHINGTON — Senators sharply criticized Pentagon leaders Tuesday for not completing a new strategy for the 16-year-old war in Afghanista­n, as Defense Secretary James Mattis acknowledg­ed that “the enemy is surging right now.”

Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., demanded that Mattis wrap up the plan now, threatenin­g that “unless we get a strategy from you, you’re going to get a strategy from us.” He said he had expected the plan in the first 30 to 60 days of the new administra­tion and added: “We want a strategy. I don’t think that’s a helluva lot to ask.”

Mattis, in response, told the Senate Armed Services Committee that he will provide details on the new strategy for the war in mid-July.

“We’re putting it together now, and there are going to be — there are actions being taken to make certain that we don’t pay a price for the delay,” he said. “But we recognize the need for urgency and your criticism is fair, sir.”

Mattis did not say what those steps are.

The U.S. has about 8,400 troops in Afghanista­n. Army Gen. John Nicholson, the top U.S. commander in Afghanista­n, has told Congress that he could use an infusion of U.S. and allied troops to bolster support for the Afghan army.

Earlier this year, the Pentagon was considerin­g a request for roughly 3,000 more troops, mainly for training and advising. That decision, however, has been stalled by the broader administra­tion review of Afghan policy and a push for NATO to contribute more troops.

Mattis, when pressed again about the plan, said getting a government­wide strategy can’t be done quickly and that there are ongoing efforts to ensure NATO participat­ion so it’s “not all on the backs of American taxpayers.”

He added: “We are not winning in Afghanista­n right now. And we will correct this as soon as possible.”

The Taliban’s resurgence has been coupled with a growing threat from Islamic State militants trying to establish a foothold in the country. The escalating fight has led to a recent string of American deaths.

Three U.S. soldiers were killed and another wounded Saturday when they were attacked by an Afghan soldier, who was then killed. And two U.S. Army Rangers died in an April 27 raid on an Islamic State compound in eastern Afghanista­n. Officials were investigat­ing whether they were killed by friendly fire in the opening minutes of the three-hour battle. Their deaths came just days after a U.S. Army special forces soldier was killed in the region.

The Afghanista­n war has been dragging on since October 2001. The U.S.-led coalition ended its combat mission against the Taliban in 2014, but it is increasing­ly involved in backing up Afghan forces on the battlefiel­d.

Asked what he hoped the situation in Afghanista­n would look like a year from now, Mattis said violence would be down, government corruption would be reduced and the Taliban would be “rolled back,” with less freedom of movement on the battlefiel­d.

Marine Gen. Joseph Dunford, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, added that he hoped Afghan troop casualties would be lower a year from now. He said a key to that will be the need for the U.S. to assist the Afghans in planning operations and providing aviation support while Kabul works to increase its combat air power.

McCain, however, listed the names of the three 101st Airborne Division soldiers who were killed Saturday and said: “Let’s not ask these families to sacrifice any further without a strategy which we can then take and implement and help you. I’m fighting as hard as I can to increase defense spending. It’s hard when we have no strategy to pursue.”

On separate issues, Mattis and Dunford were asked about the Mideast diplomatic rift and alleged Russian meddling in last year’s U.S. presidenti­al election.

On Russia, Mattis said, “This sort of misbehavio­r has got to face consequenc­es, and not just by the United States but more broadly.” He added that President Donald Trump’s administra­tion is working on a comprehens­ive cyberdefen­se strategy, but in the meantime the U.S. has enough understand­ing of Russia’s cyberactio­ns to defend against them.

Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D- Mass., asked Dunford whether the diplomatic rift between Qatar and several of its neighbors, including Saudi Arabia, is impeding U.S. military operations, given that the U.S. uses Qatar’s al-Udeid air base as a critical air-operations center.

“It is not,” Dunford said.

 ?? AP/JACQUELYN MARTIN ?? Defense Secretary James Mattis, responding to criticism Tuesday from members of the Senate Armed Services Committee, said Pentagon leaders “recognize the need for urgency” in forming a new plan for the war in Afghanista­n.
AP/JACQUELYN MARTIN Defense Secretary James Mattis, responding to criticism Tuesday from members of the Senate Armed Services Committee, said Pentagon leaders “recognize the need for urgency” in forming a new plan for the war in Afghanista­n.

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