Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Words we’d forgotten


I saw it splayed across the TV screen during a Phyllis Speer Cooking on the Wild Side show: “Polk Salad.” I suppose some citified youngster that made up that graphic would also “buy a pig in a polk.” An even more correct term would be “poke sallet.”

Some other words we may have forgotten or never knew.

Grandma: Not just a name for the mother of a parent but also the lowest gear on a stick-shift vehicle as in “Put ’er in grandma, Billy Bob, iffen ye wants to git up this hill.”

Nobby: Stylish, elegant or noble. A nobby person would not defame grandma by naming a gear after her.

Hoop Snake: A mythical varmint that supposedly could form itself into a hoop and chase frightened humans by rolling downhill. No reports of it ever rolling uphill.

Hat Pin: A long sharp pin that could keep a lady’s hat from flying away, or put out the eye of a human varmint.

Hogleg: Not an appendage of a farm animal, but a large-caliber revolver. As the outlaw Josey Wales might have snarled (in the movie of the same name) to a trio of northern pursuers, “Y’all going to draw them hoglegs or just stand there and whistle Dixie?” just prior to dispatchin­g them with his own hogleg. Might have said, that is, if the screenwrit­er had been familiar with the term.

Black Draught: A strong laxative tea which was, along with castor oil, used to punish defenseles­s children.

Source: (Mostly) W.R. Runyan’s 1,001 Words And Phrases (You Never Knew You Didn’t Know) with some liberties taken in the definition­s by yours truly. JOHN McPHERSON Searcy

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