Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Despair in Mosul

Iraqi forces use explosive weapons despite civilian casualties


MOSUL, Iraq — Iraqi forces say their recent territoria­l gains against the Islamic State extremist group in Mosul’s Old City have largely been propelled by airstrikes, despite a spike in allegation­s of civilian casualties and warnings from human-rights groups of the dangers of using large munitions in the dense, highly-populated area.

As strikes pummeled the Old City on Sunday, hundreds of civilians fled. Many were badly injured and had to be carried out over mounds of rubble by family members. Deeper inside the district, narrow alleyways were littered with bodies.

Special forces Lt. Col. Muhanad al-Timimi said that over the past three days his forces have carried out about 20 airstrikes a day on Islamic Stateheld territory — a portion of the Old City measuring less than 400 acres.

“It’s because we have a lot of enemy forces here,” he said, conceding the number of munitions used was relatively high.

Throughout the fight against the Islamic State, the U.S.-led coalition has largely relied on airstrikes to enable Iraqi ground forces to advance. In previous battles, civilians were evacuated from front lines. But in Mosul, the Iraqi government told the city’s estimated 1 million people to stay put to avoid displaceme­nt.

Iraqi forces have repeatedly requested airstrikes in Mosul, often to kill teams of just two or three Islamic State fighters armed with light weapons.

Manhal Munir was sheltering in the basement of his home with his extended family when Islamic State fighters took a position on his roof. They were targeted by an airstrike Sunday morning. The house collapsed.

“I just pulled my youngest daughter out with me,” Munir said at a nearby medic station, the toddler on his lap. “My mother was stuck between two large blocks of cement. We tried to free her. After two hours she died.”

In the weeks leading up to the operation to retake the Old City, the United Nations and human-rights groups warned the Iraqi government against the use of explosive weapons with wide effects in the Old City area, where houses are tightly packed and the civilian population is dense.

“In the crowded Old City, using explosive weapons with wide area effects puts civilians at excessive risk,” Lama Fakih of Human Rights Watch said in a statement.

The coalition did not immediatel­y respond to a request from The Associated Press as to what munitions are being used.

“The Coalition always seeks to use weapons that are proportion­al to the target to minimize collateral damage,” the U.S-led coalition said in a written statement.

“Nearly all munitions released have been precision guided to ensure we achieve the desired effects,” the statement continued. “The avoidance of civilian casualties is our highest priority.”

In a report Friday, Airwars said they “presently estimate that between 900 and 1,200 civilians were likely killed by Coalition air and artillery strikes over the course of the eight month [Mosul] campaign.”

The group said the territoria­l gains in Mosul come at a “terrible cost.”

The U.N. estimates that tens of thousands of civilians are still trapped inside the Old City.

Iraqi forces began the operation to retake the Old City — the Islamic State’s last stand in Iraq’s second-largest city — in mid-June after eight months of grueling battles across Mosul’s eastern half and around the city’s western edge.

The prime minister declared an end to the Islamic State’s so-called caliphate in late June and pledged victory was “near” after Iraqi forces retook the landmark al-Nuri Mosque in the Old City.

Iraq’s federal police declared a partial victory Sunday, announcing they had completed “the liberation of our sector,” according to spokesman Capt. Bassam Khadim.

The country’s special forces are now about a quarter-mile from the Tigris River that roughly divides Mosul in half, according to Maj. Gen. Sami al-Aridi.

“For us, the airstrikes are better than artillery because they allow us to target the enemy accurately,” said special forces Brig. Gen. Haider Fadhil. “They help us minimize civilian casualties and casualties among our own forces.”

 ?? AP/FELIPE DANA ?? A civilian flees through a destroyed alley as Iraqi special forces continue their advance against Islamic State militants Sunday in the Old City of Mosul, Iraq.
AP/FELIPE DANA A civilian flees through a destroyed alley as Iraqi special forces continue their advance against Islamic State militants Sunday in the Old City of Mosul, Iraq.
 ?? AP/FELIPE DANA ?? Iraqi special forces soldiers gather before advancing against Islamic State militants in the Old City of Mosul, Iraq, on Sunday.
AP/FELIPE DANA Iraqi special forces soldiers gather before advancing against Islamic State militants in the Old City of Mosul, Iraq, on Sunday.
 ??  ?? On the Web Campaign against the Islamic State islamicsta­te
On the Web Campaign against the Islamic State islamicsta­te

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