Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

No to free health care


I am disgusted by the whiny letter-writers defending freeloader­s who want free health care. My family and I have paid for the best plans because of our hard work and ability to do so. Why should I subsidize someone else’s health plan who has no desire to work or the ability to succeed and rise to the level of accountabi­lity in which they pay for their own? There is no other business model in our capitalist society (including other types of insurance) that demands the more affluent to put the monetary costs of others on their own backs.

My grandfathe­r buys a new Mercedes every other year. Would it be fair to charge him triple the price so people who don’t want to work as hard can drive one as well? Should my family vacation be in Branson instead of Hawaii, but pay the same price so people without jobs can vacation as well? Of course not.

We own numerous businesses, and don’t offer health care to our employees. They are paid well enough to make their own decisions, not have the government shove it down their throats. What we do, and have found to be very beneficial, is offer significan­t (up to $1,000 annually) bonuses to employees who take fewer than three sick days each year.

This country has become a bunch of crybabies who want and feel entitled to something for nothing. They cannot do it for political reasons, but I think Tom Cotton and John Boozman feel the same way. If given their druthers, I think they would just as soon the government get out of the healthcare business altogether. I agree. ASHTON MILLER III

Hot Springs

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