Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Over morning coffee


While surfing these pages recently for my morning chuckle, I hit paydirt when I got to John B’s offering. After cleaning up little Benji from spewing coffee all over him, I began to analyze what I had just read. It seems that one of our largest/leading critics of the “tweeter in chief” has himself gone to tweetin’ on us. Moreover, it seems highly likely that he tweeted out some “fake news” since he had to message the governor’s office after the fact to confirm or deny his original tweet. Since he had not received a reply at the time, I guess John assumed he was off the hook not to have to tweet a correction.

Isn’t this the way “fake news” gets started? I was surprised that John B would put himself in the position of possibly having to say “pass the crow, please.”

But hold on; I have to give John credit for actually compliment­ing three Republican women senators by saying they were “leaders rather than followers,” that Senator Portman was a “decent man” and John Kasich was a “great governor” (but not so much when he was running for the Republican nomination) all because they did or said something with which he finally agreed. Disappoint­ing is the fact that he can’t find a single decent thing to say about our Senators Boozman and Cotton, although they obviously speak for the majority of Arkansas voters.

Another disappoint­ment is that John would quote that clown on MSNBC who can’t even decide which side he is on. It is more than obvious to me that Morning Joe is trying to dance to the liberal music since his job depends on ratings.

Oh well, Benji hopes from now on that I finish my coffee before I read John B’s column, but at least I had enough chuckles to last a couple of weeks.

Deus existo nobis.



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